Ok, so I've put together the challenge teams based upon everyone's first & second brotherly choices. Before we announce which teams you guys will be on... I wanted to go over some stuff first. Please read this post thoroughly & don't forget to ask any questions you may have or comment with your concerns.
The Rules of the Overall Community while the Challenge is going on:
1. You must be cool with iffy fanfic topics such as slash or cest. If not, you may want to back out now.
2. TyP LyKe DiS or generally be a prat, and you will be asked to leave. We’re grown ups here. Proper grammar is also a plus.
3. WARNING. Disorderly behavior, disregarding the rules, spamming, continuous off-topic posts, or blatantly idiotic or frustrating behavior to team members will get you removed from the community. You will not be warned again.
4. DO NOT post swear words, just to keep this clean.
5. Feel free to continue posting non-challenge entries even while this challenge is going on. We still wanna know if you update your story or have any news on the boys!
All of the Challenge Guidelines + other Need-to-Know Info:
1. Participation is extremely important, if you feel that you cannot at least do one challenge a month, let us know so we can take you out of the challenge.
2. Although competition is encouraged, please do not BASH other teams. NEVER abuse a team member because they couldn't, or didn't participate in a certain activity. It's ok not to do everything.
3. Inactive members will be removed by the mods if they fail to play the game after months of no participation. We won't be strict on this since there are only 8 of us.
mizzc and I will continue to be your community & challenge mods, but we encourage you and your teammate to work together to get those points!
5. No bashing brothers in entries. Its okay if you discuss your dislikes of a brother just don't be vicious about it.
6. Either
mizzc or I will be posting a brand new challenge every other week. It will be something fun that has to do with the Moffatts or Moffic. Your goal is to follow whatever instructions we list & get as many points as possible for your team.
7. All challenge posts (as well as regular community posts) will continue to be "Member's Only" EXCEPT for this one so anyone curious about the challenge can read the rules & guidelines first.
8. Challenges will be open for quite a while. I know everyone's busy with real life stuff & other fandom challenges, so don't worry. We're going to spread the deadlines out as well as NOT have too many games/activities going on at once.
9. READ THE RULES of ALL GAMES/CONTEST/ACTIVITIES posts. No points will be allocated to people that do not read and follow the rules & instructions we list. They are there for a reason. Please take the time to ask questions if you get confused. We're always happy to help!
10. As we said before, after a series of these games/contests/activities are played, we will add up the points and whichever team has more points wins the challenge!!! Of course, there will be prizes, and of course we will be handing out prizes for some individual activities as well. So, no one will go home empty-handed!
11. We do not have an official closing date for the challenge. We figured maybe sometimes towards the end of the summer/beginning of the fall would be a good time to come to an end. Once we start playing and get into the swing of the challenge, we'll let you know the closing date.
12. HAVE TONS OF FUN!! As always, this is for your entertainment & to feed that lil Moffatts loving monster inside of you hehe! Let us know what's on your mind... if you have any comments/concerns/suggestions/feedback now is the time to speak up. ;-)
mizzc and I are very stoked about actually starting this challenge! It will be a BLAST seriously! We have some MAJOR PLANS for the challenges & we'll be working on awesome PRIZES pretty much for the rest of the summer hehe! Finally, the moment you've all been waiting for...
xslashxloverx If anyone else wants to join, feel free! Let us know in this post. The first challenge will be revealed at some point this week!!! Get excited friends!!!
p.s. WE NOW HAVE A TWITTER ACCOUNT! Yes, yes, we have lots of sites/pages/accounts everywhere so it's not mandatory that you follow our Twitter, it'll just be another way to keep up with the Moffic Challenge as well as any other updates to the project & community!