Apr 22, 2033 05:58


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action (4/20, or whenever that date was. AU Event) electroporation April 22 2011, 09:04:06 UTC
[ After making things awkward here, accidentally hitting Shuri, wanting to hit Yuri, and pretty much running off so mature, there weren't a lot of places for him to go.

Just Shizuo's. Because somebody didn't have the foresight to get him more friends 8|

Which is where he is now, knocking on the door. ]


action moezuo April 22 2011, 09:12:38 UTC
[ and shizuo has spent the day trying to rebuild a shelf. ultimately, he deemed it unsalvagable and ended up breaking it more. the upcoming festival means no work, so he isn't sure what to do about his day.

he expects one of the orphans to be back. but...

hei? the hell?

he pulls the door open. you just got off work. :|;;; why are you back. ] What's up?


action electroporation April 22 2011, 09:14:32 UTC
[ bitch get off his back!!! he doesn't have to explain everything!!!!! ] Nothing. [ Short, shorter than usual. Take that as you will, Shizu-chan. ]

I need a place to stay. [ He hasn't tried entering yet, so. ]


action moezuo April 22 2011, 09:17:48 UTC
[ he stares a bit. then steps away from the open door. go on then. ]


action electroporation April 22 2011, 09:22:33 UTC
... thanks. [ That's whispered, as he bows his head slightly and slips in. Shoes get taken off.

He heads straight to Shizuo's room, as he doesn't feel like explaining (or not explaining) anything to the orphans should he see them. At least right now. ]


action moezuo April 22 2011, 09:25:48 UTC
[ ... he thought you meant the couch. buuut. with anyone else, he'd probably have busted their head. but given that expression and the fact that you're his only friend he'll leave it.

For now.

He's kicking you out come sleep time. ]


action electroporation April 22 2011, 09:28:10 UTC
[ He did mean the couch, jesus. He can't chill out in your room until bed time? 8|

Not literally, hopefully. ]


action moezuo April 22 2011, 09:29:54 UTC
[ fine. fine.

he's got a new shelf to build so that'll keep him busy until he breaks that. ]


action electroporation April 22 2011, 09:32:35 UTC
[ whatever whatever

... Shizuo, what even. Whatever you are doing is really loud and noisy, and it sounds like failure to boot. Are you getting cocky because you fixed that door? ]


action moezuo April 22 2011, 09:36:25 UTC
[ The kids are totally pissed that he smashed that bookshelf so...

you know what, screw it. he's chucking it outside at a tree and now he's going to sit on the couch and watch a movie. he might bug you about why you've taken over his room later.

once he's completely cooled down. ]


action electroporation April 22 2011, 09:38:21 UTC
[ this room is

seriously fucking boring. Because once that noise dies down, Hei doesn't have anything else to think about. Except what happened, and he doesn't want to dwell on that. So you know what? Cooled down or not, Shizuo, Hei'll be coming out to watch that movie too. ]


action moezuo April 22 2011, 12:15:58 UTC
[ sorry bff. i live a minimalistic life, because if i have things they tend to break.

he looks up. and reluctantly shuffles over. this is some really bad comedy. the only other option was a violent movie and you know how he feels about violence.

lighting up that cigarette. ]


action electroporation April 22 2011, 19:13:21 UTC
[ ... so have you ever heard about second hand smoke? That's probably bad for the orphans. Not that he will complain.

... also how bad of a comedy is this. Because if it's too bad his face is going to remain like icon throughout the whole thing. ]


action moezuo April 23 2011, 13:48:11 UTC
[ shut the hell up or that coffee table is going in your face smoke rings, smoke rings.

... it's pretty bad. it's not rom-com, it's some situational humor thing. it's pretty bad but it's at least somewhat entertaining and better than watching paint dry. ]


action electroporation April 23 2011, 14:12:27 UTC
[ somebody needs to have a chat with November 11

then he is indeed making this face. This is what happens when two serious guys start watching a comedy together. It's like all the humor gets sucked out of the room, and even if somebody else was around they would probably feel too awkward to laugh.

Anyway! A good... half hour since Li entered the living room (assuming nothing of value happened in the movie and Shizuo didn't throw the TV set through the wall in boredom), he speaks up. Randomly. ] I hit Shuri.


action moezuo April 23 2011, 14:23:57 UTC
[ the patch is damn expensive and possibly not invented yet okay

... but that actually has him pulling his attention off of the shenanigans on screen and turning his attention to his friend. hitting his brother... it wasn't a big deal to shizuo, who, in all fairness, had once tossed a refrigerator at a fellow orphan in his youth and nearly broke his spine doing so... but hei had never lifted a hand against his brother. or anybody. that was usually his job.

if hei had run over here to sulk, it must be tearing him up inside.

he crushes his cigarette in the ashtray. ] Is that why you're here?


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