Apr 07, 2006 17:52
~*Oh my gawsh! Andy's truck looks soo cool! I love it! I wish it was mine.. (well sorta)He now has this huge tinted sticker on his back window that is the front of his business card! it looks SO sweet! I am getting a sticker for my car too!
Hmm what else.. I can't believe that next Sunday is Easter! I think grandma and Meghan are coming over after church for brunch?? That will be nice. I haven't seen either of them in quite some time.
Every day we have that is less than perfect, I wish more and more that it was Jan, and I would almost be on my way to Mexico!!
Just wanted to say that I love my boyfriend- you make everything OK. Thank you.
That's really all I have! Have a good weekend.
Smile, cause someone out there <3's you