Because I really love putting my life into semi-random bullet points*:
- I just read through my f-list. You are all very prolific posters after school starts and I'm super busy and can't check LJ 87 times a day, aren't you? I hope I didn't miss anything major.
- I still hate my job.** Still working on plan B. I have a list. Most of it's pipe dreams.
- We've had small person, bipedal mobility for almost a month now. He turned 10 months a week ago. Now if only he'd learn to use the toilet and use it properly.***
- I was "bleh" about everything I picked up to read for a long time. I've started and not finished a lot of books lately. Not because they aren't good - some are from series I LOVE and I'll finish them soon - but just "bleh." It's strictly just me and it happens sometimes.
- And I read a LOT. So this is a problem in more ways than one.
- Then I went to Borders when they had their graphic novel/manga sale.
- It's been not quite two weeks I think and I'm almost completely caught up on Fables.
- OMG NEW OBSESSION!!!!11!!!!!!!!
- Just what I needed.
- No, seriously, I needed it.^
- I can't believe I wasn't reading it before. But it's better this way. After HP I detest waiting with all my heart.
- There is no way I can wait until February for volume 13.*^
- Amulet is also really really good. And I totally have to wait.†
- I think that graphic novels got me out of my "bleh" reading funk.
- Fable artwork FTW.
- My friend and I joined the local photographic society. Hopefully we will have fun and improve our skillz.
- I need to get in and get them to do something about this website though. It makes me CRAZY.
- It should be fun but how do I put this gently?
- There are a lot of older people.
- They use a lot of technology at their meetings and workshops.
- It never turns out well.
- I liken it to watching my dad try to surf the internet.
- We went to one of their photoshop "classes" last spring.†*
- We are totally going to enter their contests though. That should be fun.
- I will work on my breathing.
- I'll Huff and I'll Puff and I'll try to relax. †**
- I totally LOVE THE FABLES!!!!!!
- Off to go finish reading.
- Goodnight.
*I also really love footnotes.
**Funny story today. Special Ed classroom next to me had this crazy sub (crazy is about all you can ask for at my school) and this one girl told me as I walked by that she could NOT go in there. It seems after I left, she took off down the hall. I don't blame her. LOL
***This almost NEVER happens with boys, in my experience. ;)
^ Really, I did. Please see the second bullet point for one of the reasons.
^*NO. WAY.^**
^**I will find other ways.
‡ It usually turns out with my head exploding.
†* BOOM!
†** Big Bad Wolf reference because I LOVE FABLES!!!!!!