divinemum, thanks for the nudge! I've been trying to catch up a little since I've been gone for a while. Here's what I've been up to.
DH was TEH AWESOME. I can't complain about anything. I am on a total HP high. We had a great time at our summit, and thank goodness we had a healthcare practitioner there because after driving 87 hours, I had an anxiety attack. I hate driving a lot. I especially hate driving a lot when I have no freaking clue where I am. But all is well. I had a Xanax and chilled out. I have pictures that maybe I'll get around to putting up sometime.
I had one day's rest then we flew out to Oshkosh, WI for
AirVenture. I'm full up on planes for a while, and after two years in a row, maybe forever. D busted my new favorite lens for my camera. I just bought it used off of eBay. :(
My parents are staying at my aunt and uncle's beach house this week. I might go down for a couple days, but I'm feeling bloated and large. Plus I have to drive. It's a straight line and I know where I'm going, but still. Driving. Ugh. When is someone going to invent teleportation?
I LOVE HARRY POTTER!! I even have fic ideas running through my head again. I'll never write anything, but it's fun to have ideas again. I haven't wanted to read or write anything since after OotP. I think I really needed the closure.
On that whole LJ mass-leaving thing. I guess if everyone else leaves then I might move. Or maybe not. I mean, just lock or password protect your quetionable porn. How hard is that? This is about keeping a low profile so you keep LJ, and other internet sites, around for the rest of us to enjoy. It's not about your free speech. You're just going to end up drawing unwanted attention to LJ (and then all those other places you want everyone to migrate to) and ruin everyone's fun. The rest of the world doesn't care about your craptastic Snarry pictures, least of all LJ. They just worry about - as far as laws and public perception are concerend - covering their ass. (And while I'm at it, Snarry's asses should be covered, because EWWW!) Or take your porn to GJ or IJ and let me know how that's working out in a year or so. You know, when you're crying cause they started - OMG!!! - censoring you.
Any and all instances about H/Hers exploding are welcome. I've already read
D and I are almost done watching Freaks and Geeks. HOW DID I MISS THIS WHEN IT WAS ON TV? Oh, that's right. Because since sometime in the 90's all hour-long shows have been about the law. I am so freaking done with lawyer shows I have the new Dr. Who season 1 and I'm going to start that tomorrow. :D
I just downloaded a bunch of new icons. I need to upload them now. I feel like I need all new icons.
I guess that's it. Hope you were able to stay awake.