Jun 23, 2007 15:58
Weird Dreams.
I took D to the airport early this morning, so I had a nap and I had the weirdest dream that I wanted to write down beause I don't often remember dreams.
Warning: this makes no sense and I'm still not fully awake. But you'll be happy to know that this dream is DH Spolier Free!
First I was back in high school and I had to make up all this crap for some weird class because I kept skipping. But I had to do it all right then on that day because I needed to graduate that day and I didn't want to tell my best friend i wasn't graduating. It also wasn't really my highschool but my middle school, which is the same school I've been teaching in for the last five years. Then something happened and we had to escape some terrorists or something. I was with a group of people - some of whom are the cast from The Office (US). They guythat plays Jim really really reminds me of my husband from back when we worked together. I think it's the tall, lanky thing along with some of his mannerisms. So I think D and Jim were basically interchangeable inthis dream, but we weren't technically together. And Pam was there so I don't know what the hell was going on, LOL.
We all got in this supersecret spy plane to escape the bad guys. We had to stop in the mountains somewhere for something, when we find that other planes are coming, so we start converting the plane back into a plane - I don't know what we had made it into, but I know it changed- when we find out who it is. It's some top government spies and they're good guys, so we stop panicking and wait for them to land. They do and they get off the planes to greet us. My parents were on there as well as everyone else's because apparently we had been gone for a long time and they wanted to thank us for something awesome we did to save the country or something. Then their planes open up and turn into something like carnival games, but not stupid ones. These carnival games have anti-gravity components. Like, you get to play basketball one on one with anitgravity suits. SWEET. Then a bunch of former students (ones that I actually really like, so not too many, LOL) go to play, because apparently they were with us. The top government guy is my Assistant Principal and he thanks me especially for whatever we did. So we play the games and then the government people have to leave and we get back on our spyplane and go somewhere.