May 10, 2007 20:02
They were mildly amusing at best, but now the joke has gone on too long. Those of us with sholders and arms thicker than toothpicks are asking that the whole "cap sleeve" thing be brought to an end. And while I'm at it, someone please make a button down shirt for someone with ample cleavage that doesn't gap right there. I had a biology teacher who was clueless that she had this problem and for this reason, I don't wear button down shirts to work ever.
Also, if you saw my picture yesterday, today was even lovlier. Todaythey were putting cinderblocks down over the concrete they poured yesterday. Some of the cinderblock they had to cut. They did this with a gas powered saw. Gas fumes and dust. ThI ey started this after I had went to lunch duty leaving my windows open. I love working in the shit school in my district that no one cares about. So much fun.