Mar 25, 2011 18:50
So I just checked, and hitting four thousand comments at the year point seems like a good time for a relationship meme, especially since I never do first impressions memes. So, relationship meme for Rika! And/or Ferdinand and Cielo if you want.
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Cielo on Zhores:
Cielo likes him! He reminds him of Gale, and he's easy to hang around and teaches him stuff.
Cielo on Shaun:
Shaun annoys him. The end!
Ferdinand on Zhores:
I ADORE YOU TEACH ME WISE SENSEI. ...Yeah actually that covers a lot of it. Ferdinand has a giant crush on Zhores, and also genuinely looks up to him as a wise person who understands the world. He listens to Zhores, and tries hard to do what Zhores wants him to do (even if...that doesn't always work well orz). He finds him really confusing a lot of the time, especially with the "tricking me is hot" thing, but he wants to make Zhores proud of him! He's just. Not very good at it.
Ferdinand on Shaun:
I don't think they've met! Odds of Shaun making him running off crying: high.
Rika on Zhores:
Rika likes Zhores a lot! He's pretty much the older brother she never had. She likes their banter and the fact that he gives her alcohol and generally just...enjoys his company. IDK what else to say, really. Older brother she never had pretty much sums it up.
Rika on Shaun:
Has no real impression of him. Mostly not really interested in him, since she's hard to sell on adult men, especially if they're not her type personality-wise.
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