State of the Union

Apr 08, 2010 10:04

Since why not.

IC: Still in a funk.
OOC: AUGH. I love him and I never want to drop him (and fully intend on keeping him if/when the other Embryon drop because I ♥ him), but AUGH. He's just been in a funk, and I need to start throwing him more to break him out of it, but it's hard for me to get the energy to do that when he's been in a funk. I think some of this goes down to my thing where I don't really like to play characters unless they're somewhat happy in camp, and Cielo at this point would like to go back home. But I don't want him to go back home. I also think his mental place has been stagnant, and that's less interesting to me than a character who's developing.
Plans: Figure out how to start him on an arc of recovery. See if the Serph, Sera, and Heat still have any interest in deaging Sera/past life regression (and decide what I'd do with Cielo during that). Throw him out more in general. Figure out some post ideas and post with him. Maybe experiment with playercesting him with Rika, since I think that could be kinda interesting.
Dropping potential: 5/10

OOC: You know, I'm always somewhere between mildly unhappy at my play of him and not really giving a shit. I think I'm fairly solid on his head, but my voice is always off from canon. And I'll work on that obviously, but he's someone I apped to have fun inflicting horrible purple prose on! And I'll play him while it amuses me and drop him when I think he's more trouble than it's worth and probably not be terribly bothered by that. I apped him to be a backburner who I can play at a whim, and he's fun for that.
Plans: Turn him into a unicorn. Make it rain sparkles. Make everyone speak in poetry. Really with Ferdinand my plans are pretty easy.
Dropping potential: 4/10? I wouldn't mind dropping him, but I don't feel any urge to do so.

IC: Tentatively likes this place, despite already being gruesomely murdered once for no reason because I'm a horrible person.
OOC: OH MY GOD I LOVE HER AND WANT TO PLAY HER CONSTANTLY. She's pretty much my perfect type of character and I've been wanting to play her for months and I am so happy I got her in still and eeeeee.
Plans: Mostly undefined vague ones at the moment. I'd like to do a Watanagashi Festival/murder mystery in June, but that's far enough away that I'm not bothered about it at the moment.
Dropping potential: 0/10 OUT OF MY COLD DEAD HANDS

Well currently I'm incredibly frustrated with LJ because with comment notifications down for every single one of my paid journals, I'm pretty much not threading unless the other person can ping me in chat! I can't even manually threadpin because it's literally all my paid journals fuck you too lj. I tried just following them all manually the first night, but it was a complete pain in the ass and drove me nuts. Other than that...idk. I'm happy with rping in general and it's moving back to being a higher priority with having a new character I love, and I have some general ideas on how to fix Cielo, but I'm vaguely dissatisfied with it and I can't tell why.


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