TIPS - Rika

Mar 21, 2010 22:59

Scrapbook VII (Ep. 06)

The gosanke signifies the three most powerful families that controlled matters in Onigafuchi village.

These three are the Kimiyoshi Family, the Furude Family, and the Sonozaki Family. All three exist to this present day. (Even though they do not wield that much power as historically written, they still weigh tremendous influence within the region to this day). The gosanke are said to have inherited the highest concentration of the demons' blood in their bloodline.

Formerly, the Kimiyoshi Family was the strongest and held the leadership position within the gosanke. However, it seems that they have lost influence in the present time.

The current village chief (Kimiyoshi Kiichirou) is a member of this family. It is believed that this is the reason why the Kimiyoshi family always held the position of the village chief before the idea of elections were introduced. Of course, since there are no other candidates, there hasn't been any change for the Kimiyoshi family being the head of the village even in our post-war era.

They have been the center of faith, and they are responsible for the preservation of the shrine to respect the Oyashiro-sama. They have been revered as the spokesperson for the voice of Oyashiro-sama. However many of their branches had died off during the war, and only the main branch of their household exist today. Furthermore, the only living person of this family is a single female child (Furude Rika), and it is in danger of going into extinction.

There seems to be custom of especially revering the female member of the Furude line, so many of the elderly villagers take a huge reverance to Rika.

They are believed to be the enforcers of the practice and customs for Onigafuchi village. They were among the weakest of the gosanke, and were always the last to be addressed. However, it is interesting to note that this power balance has shifted in the present times as they wield the largest influence within all of the gosanke. It is safe to say that they now control all the matters and decisions of Hinamizawa.

The three gosanke must agree upon a matter to take action, but this is just in practice only. In reality, all the decisions are handled by the current head of the family, Sonozaki Oryou.

Scrapbook X (Ep. 07)

Within the village of Hinamizawa, whose residents believe that the blood of demons flow within themselves, the word 「demon (鬼)」 is considered to be sacred.

For example, the usage of the word 「demon (鬼)」 in first names is a privilege given only to the heads of the Kimiyoshi and Sonozaki family.

As an example, for the current head of the Sonozaki family, Sonozaki Oryou (園崎お魎), we can see that the 「ryou 魎」 in her name has a 「鬼」 in it.
This is the proof showing her to be the legitimate head of the Sonozaki family. The same goes for her successor, Sonozaki Mion (園崎魅音), we can see that the 「mi 魅」 has a 「鬼」 in it. Oryou's own daughter, who didn't succeed the family and is also the mother of Mion, Sonozaki Akane (園崎茜) also had the name of 「蒐 (Akane)」 before she was disinherited.

By the way, for the name of the village chief 「Kiichirou (喜一郎)」, the 「Ki」 in it can also be interpreted to mean 「鬼 (Ki)」.

Also, names that makes use of 「demon (鬼)」 in them are not restricted to only the successors of the Sonozaki family. We can also find 「demon (鬼)」 within the surnames of the gosanke. For example, the 「Kimiyoshi (公由)」 of the Kimiyoshi family was probably created by taking the word 「鬼」 apart. If we were to write out the strokes "由" and then "公" in order, the word 「鬼」 can be written out nicely.

For the continuing Furude (古手) family, since they were a family working the sacred Shinto posts throughout generations, and were the 「fortune tellers (占い手)」, we can take the name 「占手」, add a demon's horn onto it so that 「占」 → 「古」.

As for the Sonozaki (園崎) family, perhaps because the demons have already been included in their first names, we can't find the word for demon (鬼) in the surname. Since they were a family who were responsible for running the ceremony of Watanagashi, it is believed that their surname came directly from the contents of the ceremony. Swap out the word 「崎 (saki)」 for 「裂き (saki, to tear)」. As for 「Sono 園」, since its shape suggests a square wrapping up a complex content (organs), it's probably suggesting 「a human body」. In other words, it's possible to interpret 「those who tear stomaches」 → 「Sonozaki」.

Research Note II (Ep. 13)

It is not known how the word Oyashiro-sama is spelled. However, this may also be the result of how the translation of its name had changed subtlely over the course of history. Hence, it is quite difficult to find whether or not this name is indeed correct to begin with.

In fact, the the only thing that is common in its history is that the readability of the four words O-YA-SHI-RO.

One theory states that the "社" (see footnote 1) that houses the Oyashiro-sama itself became a subject of worship, and that is why it became to be known as "御社さま" (see footnote 2). However, this theory is rather bland and boring.

While the following information may or may not be related to the above said matter, it is said that the noble Furude family has the bloodline of the Oyashiro-sama flowing within them. And according to the Furude family legend, it is said that if the first child that is born is a female after eight generations, that daughter in the eight generation will be the reincarnation of the Oyashiro-sama itself.

If one takes this legend into consideration, it seems the correct way to spell Oyashiro-sama is "御八代さま" (see footnote 3). (Of course, this spelling is just my own theory so there is no way of knowing for sure).

If such is the case, then the naming of the Oyashiro-sama is made under the premise of resurrection. Worshiping a deity under the pretense of its resurrection can be seen in many religions, so this is not rare. However, it is also interesting to note that several religions associate the resurrection of their deity with the "apocalypse."

Furude Rika, the cute little girl where all the village elders seem to take care of her with special treatment. ...There are rumors that she is the eighth generation "Oyashiro-sama." While I do not known the precise details of the Furude family tree, I do know that the first child of the past two generations were female.

Furude Rika, the little girl who looks over to protect Hinamizawa. What would happen if Hinamizawa loses her divine protection? What would happen if the tranquility between the humans and the demons were to wither away? Would all hell break loose once again as human-eating demons begin to engulf the village?

Weak and powerless humans cry and scream as the demons feast and remember what it was like to be their former selves.

...I wonder what a spectacle that would be. My heart pounds in excitement just imagining what it would be like.

Footnote 1: "Yashiro" - a place that enshrines a local deity
Footnote 2: Literal translation of this way of spelling "Oyashiro-sama" - The deity is the shrine itself
Footnote 3: Literal translation of this way of spelling "Oyashiro-sama" - The deity of every eight generations

What's with the name 'Rena'? (Ep. 02)

Rika: "......Rena is not here. Didn't Keiichi know?"
Keiichi: "Eh? She was here just now though... Oi Mion. Where did Rena go?"
Mion: "Rena? Toilet maybe? She said that her plumbings aren't passing through very well recently."

I didn't ask you anything about that!

Rika: "...... Satoko. Do you know where Rena went?"
Satoko: "Rena is it? I have passed by her down the hallway just now. Since Rena is on day duty today, she has to water the flowers in the garden."
Mion: "Ah-- Rena's on day duty, huh? Well then, we should all thank her for her hard work."

... Rena Rena Rena.
... With Rena's name thrown all over the place, a question popped into my mind.

It's a little rude to say this about another person's name, but...... it sure is a weird name. Sounds like a foreigner's name.

Keiichi: "What's with the name 'Rena', I wonder? ... How do you write Rena in kanji?"
Rika: "......Rena is just a nickname. She has a proper given name."
Keiichi: "Eh, really?! I thought that Ryuugu Rena was her real name for sure."
Satoko: "Well, I don't blame you. Since we've only been calling her Rena, it's not unreasonable for you to make that mistake."

On top of that, even her name on the brush writing exercises is written as "Rena" (レナ). It's as good as her real name here at school.

Keiichi: "I wonder what's her real name? ... Maybe I'll ask Rena when she comes back!"
Satoko and Rika-chan turns and looks at each other.

Rika: "......You don't have to ask her. We will tell you."
Satoko: "Rei(礼) as in orei(お礼, gratitude), Na(奈) as in Nara(奈良). Ryuugu Reina (竜宮礼奈) is her real name!"
Keiichi: "Reina, huh? .........Hmm. So it's not read as 'Reina' but 'Rena', huh? What an interesting pronounciation."
Rika: "......No, that's not right. Reina is the proper pronounciation."
Satoko: "Rena said "call me Rena". So that's why we call her Rena."

Mion: "Keichan... Rena is Rena, okay? Only strangers call her Reina. You get what I mean there, right?"
I know what Mion is trying to say.
No matter what our real names are, the names that we use between ourselves are what really matters!

Ryuugu Rena is Rena. She's nobody else.

Keiichi: "I'm just thinking about this, but if I applied for it, can I be called by a nickname starting today as well?"
Mion: "If it's interesting. What do you want to be called by?"

Keiichi: "Echigoya."

And then, Rena returned to the classroom.
At the entrance, a junior student is telling Rena that someone's looking for her.

Rena: "Eh eh? Who's looking for Rena, I wonder? I wonder?"
Mion and I snickered while looking at her.

Keiichi: "Governer, that Ryuugu has shown herself!!"
Mion: "Echigoya, you're pretty bad too...Fuo-fuo-fuo!!!" (note 1)
Rena: "Wha-wha, what's this what's this?! Keiichi-kun and Miichan is the bad governer? You're Echigoya?!"

Keiichi: "You Ryuugu Rena-nosuke! You will meet your doom here. Prepare yourself~!!"
Rena: "Wa! Wa! Suke-san, Kado-san, chastise the---m!!"
Satoko: "Sir yes sir--!!!"
Rika: "......Deposit our compensations into my Swiss bank account."

It can't be helped now that it's become like this! All that's left is a 5-men jumbled battle royal...!!!

With the precise timing of a stamp box, Rena's sure-kill punch explodes.

In the end, what's left is the ruined evil that is me and Mion...

Keiichi: "...Rena should really go on a trip to reform the world... How about to Nagatachou?" (Note 2)
Mion: "......That's no good. She's going to be jacking all the kaaii (cute) things at her destination."

The ringing bell signals the end of recess.

Rena: "Come on come on, Keiichi-kun, and Miichan too. Sensei's coming!"
I stood up with the help of Rena.
At the same time, Sensei entered the classroom.

......1 more hour, huh. Dear dear....... I guess I'll hold my grounds through this one more time!

Note 1: they pretending to be characters from a Japanese historical show
Note 2: Nagatachou is where the Japanese parliament is located, it has been used as a slang word for "politics".

Dual Personality??? (Ep. 04) - This one isn't obviously relevant to Rika, since it's referring to Rika at the time, but it's feels potentially applicable to Rika.

"Although they appear a lot in movies, in simple terms, just what exactly are they?"
"They are believed to be a form of escape through having multiple personalities."
"Multiple personality disorders are a form of escape?"

"That's correct. Although we're still not clear about how the mechanism works, it is believed that perhaps they are a defensive measure taken by the brain in order to protect the mind."

"For example, there are some poor people would imagine themselves to be rich as a form of escape from reality, right? Are those considered to be multiple personality disorders as well?"
"We can't be absolutely certain, but in a wide sense, that would be the explanation. In other words, this is a phenomenon that's possible with anyone,"

"And when that escape from reality becomes indiscriminative, does it become a dual personality?"
"...That's a little difficult to say.... While there are some who advocate that theory, there are also others who deny it. It's still a topic under debate."

"Then for the field of psychiatry, multiple personality disorder is still a largely unknown and unexplained phenomenon?"
"Unfortunately, yes. We can expect more findings from future researches."

"But but~, dual personalities sounds kind of cool, don't you think~!? What kind of people can get dual personality disorders?"

"Rather than 'can get'..., maybe it's better to call it 'easier to get'.... According to recent researches, they're deeply involved with genetics as well as psychogenesis.... And among them, it is said that perhaps childhood abuse plays a particularly significant role in their development."
"Speaking of which, this A-kun has also suffered from child abuse too, didn't he~. Poor child~...."

"The young man A who has 7 personalities. Now then, let us continue the VTR.... But before that, a commercial break!!" (Note 1)

(Note 1: VTR = Video Tape Recorder. The entire conversation within this TIP probably came from a video documentary)

Who are Mion's uncles and what do they do? (Ep. 05)
Mion: "Sorry you guys. I have to go help out at my uncle's shop today."
Kei: "What? So no club activity today?"
Mion: "Yeah. Ahahaha. I'll make it up next time...!"

Mion clasps her hands as a sign of apology while snickering at the same time.

Mion: "Well you can feel free to do it without me? There's a bunch of games in that locker. Pick out anyone you like."

The locker she pointed to is that locker filled with games. It is a mystery how that small locker can fit that bunch of games. Perhaps it's connected to a fourth-dimensional world or something...? Not only that, but that locker seems to have whole sorts of junk (costumes?)...! If we were to clean out that locker, I think this whole classroom floor will become filled with junk.

Kei: "...I'll pass. If I open that locker up, I think it's gonna cause an avalanche."
Mion: "Ahahaha! On second thought you're right! That's not something for beginners. Kukuku!"

Mion started laughing as if that can be only be done by the leader of the group.

Rika: "Mii. The teacher is looking for the key to the PE storage room. Do you know where it is?"
Mion: "Huh? Didn't I return that to the faculty office?"

Mion started to check her pockets. ...judging from her facial expression, I think that's where the keys are even though she thought that she returned it.

Satoko: "See. I did believe that it was Mion-san! I absolutely, absolutely suspected her!"
Mion: "...Me too. I am correct as with Satoko."

Satoko and Rika clap their hands together in joy.

Mion: "Shush you!"

Gasun! Gosun!

Mion hits Satoko and Rika-chan's head lightly and started going to the faculty office.

Kei: "Oh. Did you guys hear? Mion has to go to her job so there's no club activity today."
Satoko: "Is that so?! I do believe that's pretty boring."
Rika: "....mii."

They both look unexcited now. ...As much as I hate to admit it, but the number one reason for coming to school is to enjoy the afternoon club activity with Mion. Since that enjoyment has been cancelled, I wouldn't be surprised if they look down.

Kei: "Mion's got a job right? ...What kind of job does she have?"

Whenever Mion decided to cancel the activity, it's usually because of her job. However, I don't see her go that frequently. There are times she would go two~three days in a row, then there are times she never does. What kind of job has a flexible working day like that?

Rika: "...she doesn't have a specific place to work."
Kei: "Hm? So that means it's more like a temporary day-job kinda thing?"

I can't imagine Mion wearing a construction helmet, sweating and toiling at a construction site.

Satoko: "Mion's more like a on-call helper whenever her uncles' shops needs a helping hand."
Kei: "Oh, I see. Come to think of it, most of her jobs were about going to her uncle's place."
Rika: "She has a bunch of uncles who own businesses, so Mii's always an asset to them."

A bunch of uncles that are shopowners? There's many of them?

Satoko: "Oh, Keiichi-san. You haven't realized it yet? Mion's relatives own many and many stores in and around Okinomiya."
Kei: "Oh really? I didn't realize that. ...So does that mean they own a wide variety of stores?"
Satoko: "Yes. There's the bakery, the Ramen restaurant. There's a lot more. That toy store that we went to the other day. That too."

That's...quite a surprise there. Wow...!

Kei: "...Wow. Mion's family must have an excellent merchant blood in them or something! To have and own so many types of stores is quite amazing!"
Rika: "There's also the loan shark, the jiageya (a type of yakuza that forces people off their property for cheap price in order to sell the property more expensively), the image club, soaplands. They've stretched their hands into a lot of business."

Uh, I think I heard something that I shouldn't have, but anyway...! I understand that her family owns a bunch of businesses in the area.

Kei: "So that's the reason why when I borrow money from her, she's quite erratic in getting it back. It's because she has the blood of loan sharks in her too! Now I get it!"
Rika: "There was one time where I forgot that I borrowed some money to buy some groceries, and she came over to have it paid back or 'I'll dunk you in the bath.' (dunk you into a bath is another way of saying I'll sell you off to a brothel)"

...Rika-chan being sent off to a specialized brothel for borrowing money... Oh shit...I think I'm starting to nosebleed~

Satoko: "I do believe that's a stupid way to die. Being drowned in a bathtub? Hahaha"

...huh? I don't think Satoko realizes the real meaning of what Rika-chan just said. How naive. Both me and Rika-chan starts patting her head.

Satoko: "...?! ...wha, why are you two patting me?! ...?!"
Rika: "Satoko, you're such a nice person. Pat Pat."

Satoko still couldn't figure it out, but I think she realized that she was being pitied.

tips, self-reference

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