Oct 04, 2008 23:35
sooo.. I havent posted in a while.
I would like to apologize.
Im sorry.
Now! onto events that have taken place in my wonderful life maybe some questions a little of this, a little of that.
Okay so my job isnt bad. Is quite fun sometimes. We have these walk-e-talk-es and we get to chat and talk to eachother throughout the store. its fun and the customers can be fun to talk to and the people at my work are just a riot. its all good fun. I am getting to know how to talk to customers and stuff. You basically have to ask them if there is anything in particular that they are looking for and if they are a rewards member and all that jazzy stuff and then leave and check back to see if they need anyhelp or any thing of that measure. Also I still dont know everyone who works there. beacuse there are 20 + people that work there and whenever i go in its usually the same people. Lilly (General Manager (nicest person EVER)) Rachael (Assisitant Manager(she can be a bitchand uptight but shes not bad)), Kim (manager(haha she is cool to work with)), Lisa (sales), Paolo(sales (really funny cute guy!!)), Valerie (sales (nice girl)), Mari (sales (fun girl. Her and I decided that it should be a policy for us to dance. Because the music in the store.. wow. ill post more info later as in later in this post)), Matt(sales (nice guy)), Sam(sales (really cool gay guy! =))), also there may be more i just dont remember. Oh I forgot there is this girl named Lindy and she is super nice! Her and i decided that the music is sibliminal advertising telling the customers to buy shoes and stuff. lol there is this song where i has this girl and she says Im a very fashionable girl, im a very fashionable girl, im a very fashionable girl... etc. then it goes to club music, and then she says how do i look? how do i look? how do i look? how do i look?... etc. then this man answers her and i dont really remember what he says but it creeps me out. And somtimes i fee like i should be butt naked and dancing around an open fire in the middle of Africa haha. god its horrible. but ive just learned to ignore it.
but yes. that is it really. thats all i have to say. oh and also ive been making more icons I dont think they are all that good but they are under my icons. I had questions but I dont remember now.