this is the end, my only friendddd the ennndd

Jul 05, 2005 01:48

seriously ya'll... i'm leaving live journal. this thing is an after-thought to me. oh well. its served me well... basically through the crappiest year of my life.

now i'd like to take a moment and get out all of my frustration for the year 2004, oh how you won't be missed..
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OK, that felt good. i'm moving on. i'm free! i'm seriously free of everything that was holding me back. ahhhh & it feels good. next year i vow to myself, if jared and i for some reason ever break up, but i hope to God we don't (*knock on wood*), i will never never never never never never again become intrigued or involved with a boy until i get into college, and i mean that will all my heart. NEVER AGAIN people.

uhm... so i guess today i'm going to run on the track... the indian springs track, yea buddy. haha i should run there anyway... its where once upon a time ms. sparks told me when i was just fresh into my 7th grade year, that i should join cross country... i owe it to her. well not really, she was a bitch to me in the 8th grade, but oh well. i'll run run run. i've drinken 4 water bottles of water today... that's 64oz. the exact amount you're suppose to drink per day. sweet, i'm happy =).

i'm going to go swim also

& get subway.

i've applied at like 3 places for work and non have hired me. i will never get hired, oh woe. oh well!

so live journal... i bid you adue.

love you all,
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