01 Puzzles Solved - Intro [Video] | Backdated to Saturday

Oct 03, 2010 17:14

[You can hear a small voice muttering to herself as the camera shakes a little.] Oh, I think I have something! That button looks like a phone... m-maybe it can call out to someone!

H-Hello? Is anyone out there? Can you hear me, Professor? Luke? It's me, Flora! Are you two out there adventuring without me again? I thought we agreed you'd take me with you on your next adventure! I know Luke sent you a letter, Professor, but this isn't funny! You broke your promise the last time, so I can't believe you'd go and do it AGAIN!

... And where is this place, anyway? I... don't know where this is. All I know is that I have this creature that suddenly jumped out of a ball... [She turns the camera a little and a Picbu comes up on the screen.]


Though, it's cute! I decided to call it 'Chu' after the sound it keeps making! [Pichu jumps up and down happily, sparks jumping around.] I-Is it supposed to be making sparks like that, though? Would it be safe to pet?

Oh, I'm getting so off track here... U-Um, if you're out there, Professor, please tell me! I don't know where to go and I don't know anyone here...

[The feed clicks off.]

*remi altava, *luke triton, *professor layton, *minnie mouse, *heather mason, *claire folly, !ic, *mimi tachikawa, location: new bark town, *future luke

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