Apr 09, 2009 19:02

Okay moeparty. I'm thinking of starting a game. A really liberal, power-to-the-players type game that incorporates some of the cooler elements of more successful games like campfuckudie (which i will always, always pronounce "camp fuck-a-dee" in my head) and theorganization (not that theorg was particularly successful, but it was different and unique and the reception was really good).

When I say "power to the players" I mean, players are free to start creating offshoot minigames from the main premise, for clubs and businesses and such (kind of like the idea i had for mafiabucks?) and there's a constant open post for people to present ideas and the entire community votes anonymously on them. I was thinking of doing the app thing like cfud but I won't want to be a TOTAL ripoff?

THE ONLY PROBLEM WITH THIS IS being a large game I would need a substantial number of co-mods: not only to keep it from getting too out of hand but also to keep the direction from getting single-minded and to keep me in check, and to act as my lexicon for series and ideas I don't understand. I'd also want something that we could all do together and have fun with? i liek u guyz :(

s-so who would be interested?

Also so this post has a purpose:

honesty meme.

With a tweest! Commenting to this post makes your character fair game. To everyone who replies to that main comment they will be inexplicably forced to blurt out an article of truth, either about the person who spoke to them or themselves! Once it's out there, they can't take it back or lie about it, so feel free to discuss away!

EDIT: by the way, once these threads are over your character ~*magically*~ has no recollection of anything that was said or revealed during it.
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