Jan 19, 2011 02:12

Player Information

Name: Eso
Age: 22
AIM SN: esotericsymphony
email: daystodream@gmail.com
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yes!
Currrently Played Characters: N/A
Conditional: Activity Check Link: N/A

Character Information

Canon Source: Pandora Hearts
Canon Format: Manga
Character's Name: Ada Vessalius
Character's Age: 18
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played.

What form will your character's NV take? Ada's NV will be a sizeable leather-bound tome with somewhat worrying arcane symbols etched into the spine and large, creepy likenesses of several eyes and one mouth carved into the front cover. For text posts, she will write in it, and the text for posts she is reading will likewise appear on the page; video posts will be recorded by the eyes on the front, which will shine with a pale light when actively recording. To activate video recording, she only has to push in one of the eyes like a button. These same eyes will display video posts she watches in hologram form. The device will simply record any voice posts through the same general method. Voice posts being played will seem to be spoken by the mouth-carving, which will move like actual lips.

Character's Canon Abilities: Ada has no actual supernatural ability in canon (that we know of), but she does have a notable, extensive knowledge of the occult and various methods of torture. Whether that knowledge has seen any practical use remains to be seen.
Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? Psychometry! Basically, Ada will be able to intuit aspects of an object's history by touching it. Sometimes it will come as a general 'knowing', but if the association is particularly strong it may manifest as visions of varying strength. Either way, use of this ability will sap at her energy and cause her to experience varying levels of exhaustion depending upon the strength of her vision or amount of knowledge gained. In the beginning, even simpler uses will be a somewhat pronounced burden.
Weapons: None.

Character History: Here!

At the second Coming-of-Age Ceremony, many people wearing cloaks appeared to attack and behead the attendees using a shared Chain called Humpty Dumpty. Ada, concerned for Vincent, followed him when he ran off down a hallway. Vincent, still caught up in a flashback to Sablier, thought she was someone else entirely and began yelling at her to leave him. So Ada left - to the next room, where she tried to take up a sword to protect him until he could recover. After Vincent followed her and saw what she was doing, she was nearly attacked by someone hiding in the shadows.

Vincent called for his servant Echo, who was hiding nearby, and she stopped the person trying to attack Ada. After knocking Ada unconscious himself, Vincent instructed Echo to take her somewhere safe.
Point in Canon: Retrace 54. In her attempt to protect Vincent during the attack on Oz's Coming-of-Age Ceremony, she was nearly ambushed herself; at this point, she has just been rescued by Echo and knocked unconscious by Vincent so Echo can take her away.
Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: N/A

Character Personality: Ada is a cheerful girl, optimistic nearly to a fault and a model student at a prestigious school for young nobles. Family is important to her; she stays in touch with her uncle with regular letters, and still sees Oz as her precious big brother despite their ten years apart (which have, thanks to crazy time warps, made him her little brother instead). Her love of cats has led her to own three cats, which are named Snowdrop, Dinah and Kitty.

Ada overall comes across as a soft-spoken but clever girl, well-aware of rules and procedures and the generally proper way of things. It's a trait that often gets her underestimated or left behind by those around her, or in the case of her uncle, doted upon and sheltered from the greater world. Perhaps due in part to this, she's definitely still a teenage girl at heart - a smiling, laughing girl, strangely well-adjusted in comparison to most of the other characters from her canon. There's not so much deep-seated trauma of any sort as there is the growing need to be treated as the adult she is supposed to be - has been supposed to be for three years now, as the age of majority in the Pandora Hearts world is 15.

While she might not seem to have much presence at first glance, she has in fact earned the role of a prefect in her school. When it's needed, she can take on a leadership role, and she can be as stern as necessary. She takes her responsibilities very seriously, but isn't so attached to any sort of honors or prestige they purportedly come with. Her concern is more with her duties, and with living up to the ideals that a prefect (and, in turn, a graceful and composed noblewoman) is supposed to represent.

Ada is innocent and sometimes ambitious, but not stupid. She is aware of many things the world would see fit to hide from her as a young noblewoman, and she is unwilling to simply remain blind. Ada's passionately bold when she gets her mind set on a course of action, even going so far as to stubbornly stake out her own path when she wasn't allowed to become involved in the search for her brother. Even if it sometimes takes a little self-convincing to get to a decision, once her mind is made up she takes full responsibility for her actions and doesn't look back.

She has seemingly boundless determination even in the face of great danger, as demonstrated when she chooses to try to defend Vincent from the attack on Yura's mansion while he's busy suffering from traumatic flashbacks - despite apparently having trouble lifting the sword she's attempting to use for this endeavor. She strives to find ways to make the best of any given situation and encourage those around her in their times of greatest need.

Ada is that rare sort of human being who is genuinely honest and kind-hearted, to the point of putting herself in danger of manipulation. She is a romantic in the way often expected of teenage girls; that is blatantly taken advantage of by Vincent, who is courting her purely to use her as a bargaining chip against the Vessalius family. Her tendency is to see the very best in people, even when they show open distaste toward her. However, under all of that gooey exterior is something surprising.

You see, Ada's true passion lies in the occult. In her home world she has an entire basement filled with well-polished implements of torture and thick tomes on everything from black magic to herbalism and fortune-telling. It's a love she developed after her brother Oz fell into the Abyss; when she was younger, she started researching black magic and the Abyss in her own attempt to find a way to rescue him, though nothing came of it but a new hobby.

She has to keep this hobby a secret due to the way most of high society would react, but when she gets the chance to talk about it with someone she thinks is of a like mind, she can (and will) go on for hours. The lengths she goes to to keep this secret show that despite her sweet and somewhat naive personality, she is socially aware, and knows the importance of keeping a positive image.

Conditional: Personality development in previous game: N/A
Character Plans: Ada's been in Siren's Pull before, but she won't remember her previous experience in the game. As such, her initial plan will essentially be to learn and understand this new society she's landed in - what's expected of her, especially. This time around, I want to explore her potential for growth into independence; she'll slowly begin to experiment with doing things "modern" women do that might be considered inappropriate for her in her home world, and she'll try to find employment. She won't be involved in the political aspects of the game to start with, at least not voluntarily, but she'll be doing her best to keep up with news and be aware of the state of things within the city.

She had an apprenticeship with Beatrice the witch last time, and it's fair to say that she'll want to explore her the supernatural this time through as well - especially when she discovers her psychometry.

Appearance/PB: Complete with forlorn staring. However, she'll arrive in Siren's Port dressed (and acting) more like this.

!ooc, info

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