Jan 07, 2011 16:56
[Somebody is just pleased as punch after opening her apology presents from Santa Claus. Squid Girl is finally feeling like her old self again, evidenced by the fact that she's currently strolling down the streets of Mayfield waving her tentacles in the air like she just don't care. She's laughing like an idiot the whole way, and also periodically spits random blobs of ink into the snow just because she can.]
"Hahahahaha! Nothing's gonna stop me now that I have my amazing squid powers back! Not even Mayfield!"
[And just to make it fun, have some choose-your-own adventure scenario action:
1. Squid Girl is running directly toward you, tentacles waving all over the place. She looks excited as all get out, but possibly also terrifying if you're not used to this sort of thing.
2. It's still pretty cold outside and she isn't really dressed for it. Enjoy having squid ink spewed all over you when she sneezes while you're nearby.
3. Target practice! She's using her tentacles to uproot mailboxes, grab and snap branches off of trees, and all sorts of other things.]
who wants squid ink pasta,
tentacle monster,