Nov 15, 2010 00:33
[Squid Girl's finally had it explained to her that she needs to attend school or risk droning. She isn't sure what that is, but she's pretty sure it's bad, so today she's hanging around Mayfield Elementary trying to figure out what the heck she's supposed to be doing. Mostly it takes the form of wandering the hallways, walking in and out of various classrooms, and just generally looking really confused about the whole place. Feel free to bump into her in any of the following situations:
A. Squid Girl is wandering the hallway aimlessly, just staring blankly at people as they go by and peeking into the different classrooms to see what everybody's up to. She isn't exactly sure where she's supposed to be going, and no one really told her, so she's just on a leisurely stroll about the school.
B. She's finally been herded into a classroom, and is doing her best to try to pretend like she knows what's going on. Unfortunately, she's a bad reader, and happens to be holding her textbook upside-down. Correct her? Laugh at her behind her back?
C. In her travels through the school, she's found the teachers' lounge and has decided to claim it as her own territory. Any teachers coming back for their lunch breaks might find her in there rummaging around through the filing cabinets, drinking the soda in the fridge, or standing on top of a desk loudly proclaiming that she's in charge around here.
D. Gym class! It's basketball day, but she has no idea what basketball is, and is instead just grabbing the balls and lobbing them at the other students while laughing like an idiot. Maybe one just hit you! Maybe you feel like teaching her a lesson by throwing one back! Either way, hilarity ensues.]