Dec 29, 2003 15:06
It seems about time for another entry...
I've decided in the past few days that I wish college sports were like high school sports, when you could play three different sports in three different seasons, and didn't have to give up basketball or soccer. Why does everything have to be so serious in college its not fair.
And why is it that we actually have to go to college to eventually get a job? This is a real problem seeing as how I might actually want to be a pharmacist, but alas my school has no pharmacy program, which would force me to transfer. I'm not really a fan of transferring.
Well at least its break and I don't have to think about it. Break has been a fairly productive time for me, except not at all. I wake up at around oh, 11:30 or so, eat some breakfast, go to the high school to run around 12:30 or so, and then either sleep some more, eat, or watch tv, not necessarily in that order, until dinner. After dinner, Kristen, Liz and myself hang out at someones house, usually doing absolutely nothing. The lack of activities going on during break is a real no no. Who allowed this to happen. Oh and throughout the day I have to listen to my mom continually ask if I have found a job yet. No mom I have not. No one is hiring. Yay for having no money, great. Looks like track meets will be funding my alcohol habit for second semester, since we get paid for meals at track meets. It looks like starving at meets and then boozing at night with the money I should have spent on food will be my modus operandi for second semester. Thanks track, for helping me stay drunk.
Speaking of drunk, I came home the other night after having about 2 beers. Now if I was Dianner I would be positively smashed, however I was not even buzzed. However my Mom came home from work late that night, and found me in here online, and came over and tried to smell my breath or something, assuming I was drunk. It was quite hilarious, especially taking into account the many times I came home hammered in high school and she had no idea, and I come home after being in college, and have two beers and she thinks I'm drunk. Kind of like the time Mike puked in the kitchen sink and convinced her he was sick. Oh the naivete of my Mother. :)
Anyhoo, I am off to my brothers basketball game. I'm sure the next entry won't take as long.