Apr 27, 2007 21:17

Final Fantasy Tactics
      Aries (Ramza)
      Libra (Ramza, Delita)
      Scorpio (Ramza, Dycedarg)
      The Poet's Lesbia (Alma/Teta)
      Hot Bricks (Alma/Ovelia)
      Juliet, the Dice Was Loaded From the Start (Delita/Ovelia)
      Both Alike in Dignity (Delita/Ovelia)
      Romeo Is Bleeding, But Not So As You'd Notice (Delita/Ovelia)
      Leo ( ( Read more... )

phoenix wright, drabble bank, drabble, xenosaga, final fantasy tactics, xenogears

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Comments 27

nistelle April 28 2007, 02:22:07 UTC
The immediate inspiration for this: I'm graduating in a week!

Tell me about it. Um oh jeez, you know what I would really love? An FFTarot type-thingy with ASTROLOGY. What if I gave you three signs and you made three drabbles about a certain character with each sign, via wikipedia knowledge? Wouldn't that be FUN? :D

Just in case the answer is not a bellowing NO, I choose Aries, Libra, Cancer? :D


ARIES (Final Fantasy Tactics) moemachina April 30 2007, 00:45:02 UTC
you made three drabbles about a certain character with each sign, via wikipedia knowledge

a ha ha ha, I don't know what you are insinuating, MY KNOWLEDGE OF THE TAROT WAS BASED ON YEARS OF INTENSIVE STUDY.

And as you didn't pick a character, I picked one for you! Lucky you!


Something knocked against the inside of his skull. There was snow in his sleeves. There was blood in his mouth.

He tried to sit up several times before he succeeded.

An eternity later, he got to his feet. Around him lay the snowy jumbles of limbs and torsos, blackened beyond recognition by the explosion. Nothing moved. Nothing breathed.

On a distant hill, he could see riders approaching. His brothers were coming, he thought.

With great deliberation, Ramza turned his back on them and began to pick his slow, limping way past the fortress ruins and through the fields of winter.


Re: ARIES (Final Fantasy Tactics) nistelle May 1 2007, 01:06:56 UTC
(I'm an Aries. I chose to believe Ramza, too, is an Aries.

We're both very much characterized by war-goddish frenzied violence, you see.

Could this icon finally be apropos?)


LIBRA (Final Fantasy Tactics) moemachina April 30 2007, 02:49:08 UTC
Returning at midnight, Ramza slipped on a tile, flailed off the roof, fell through thatching, and landed in a hayloft.

Lying there, Ramza felt peculiarly serene. Beneath him, he could hear chocobos whirring. In the new gap above, he could see stars and, eventually, Delita climbing unhurriedly down.

"I haven't seen these constellations before," Ramza solemnly informed him.

"God," Delita said. "Did you break anything?"

"No," Ramza said. "Maybe."

Delita pulled him to his feet. "You're going to have bruises tomorrow. And a hangover. How do you plan to climb the dormitory wall?"

"I'll just hang onto you," Ramza said.


:D! arks April 28 2007, 05:13:22 UTC

Also: Earthbound y/n? If n, how about Xenogears? Xenogears always needs love.


NANOMACHINES (Xenogears) moemachina September 16 2007, 06:29:34 UTC
this time I log in with the right account.

also: centuries since I played Xenogears, so all sorts of canon is doubtlessly disregarded


At night, Fei tells fairy tales to Emeralda. Her dreams are saturated with enchanted kingdoms, evil stepmothers, and comatose princesses.

Aside from these stories, Emeralda sees little of Fei. He is with Elly, the Mother, the original pattern for Emeralda. Where Elly is clean and straight, Emeralda is barnacled with confusions.

Emeralda spends her days by herself, building sand castles on the edge of the sea. Her doomed metropolises stretch along the shore.

Both Emeralda and the sea know that she was not designed to be an ordinary princess. She contains contradictory multitudes. A rebellious kingdom sleeps beneath her skin.


BLACK MOON FOREST moemachina October 7 2007, 05:09:43 UTC
After sober reflection, that last drabble sucked. Time for another try.


There is a difference in the blood.

If Elly could cut away this malignant sensation, she would. Her superiors would not suffer from this loathsome fixation. They would regard any bleating Lamb with the same disdain. They would never grow flushed every time he smiled.

Elly knows they have nothing truly in common, but they share the same shade of blood. Under a microscope, Elly would see crucial distinctions; under the trees, it seems like her own. She tightens the tourniquet.

Elly has never known her heart was such a furious organ before.

There is a difference in the blood.


Re: BLACK MOON FOREST arks October 7 2007, 21:01:50 UTC


ladysisyphus April 28 2007, 17:38:30 UTC
FFT, lesbians. I'm not picky. Lesbians are just distracting!


THE POET'S LESBIA (Drabble) moemachina May 24 2007, 14:43:14 UTC
Before Zalbag found out, Alma spent several blissful weeks reading lewd poetry from her father's private library.

Her father thought she sought sermons. Dycedarg and Ramza knew she stole other volumes to read under the apple trees with Teta, but they never protested. Like all gentlemen, her brothers knew the scholar's code: everything naughty was left untranslated in old tongues.

Of her brothers, only Zalbag knew Alma was teaching herself Old Archadian.

And she taught Teta. Some things are easy to learn in obscure orchards in the late afternoons of high summer, even without a decent dictionary, even without words.


HOT BRICKS (Drabble) moemachina May 24 2007, 14:47:10 UTC
"I can't sleep." She sounded childish even to her own ears, but the other girl did not draw back.

Instead, Alma whispered, "Then I'll tell you a story. Once upon a time, the High Queen Ashelia..."

Ovelia could feel Alma's warm breath against her ear; Ovelia could feel Alma's warm arms around her waist. Nights in the abbey were cold. For heat, the good sisters left them only cotton shifts, coarse blankets, and one another.

The story marched past Ovelia's unhearing ear. Eyes unseeing, she watched the ceiling until the steady breath and heartbeat beside her lulled her to sleep.


Re: HOT BRICKS (Drabble) ladysisyphus August 14 2007, 22:24:31 UTC
...So I can't believe I've let this sit for MONTHS without replying, but I love both of these so dang much. Mmm, lesbilicious! ♥


KNEE BONE CONNECTED (Xenosaga) moemachina May 25 2007, 11:14:21 UTC
If MOMO presses her head against his knee, she hears a steady beat.

"It's outdated," he says. "It regulated circulation, but later they installed a nanopump. Same thing. Half the noise."

"Good," MOMO says, repairing a torn flexor within his right foot.

"Always the same story," he says. "Too much trouble to take out the old system, so they install the new one on top."

MOMO knows Ziggy does not like to be touched. Even so, while she works, she leans her forehead against his knee and hears a noise as constant as a metronome, as comforting as a heart.


(The comment has been removed)

JULIET, THE DICE WAS LOADED FROM THE START moemachina November 12 2007, 15:01:10 UTC
(with all due apologies to Dire Straits)


Some girls get serenaded from jasmine-scented balconies. Ovelia got battle plans.

"If we move our forces south, we can cut off their supply train," Delita said, tracing his finger across a map.

Ovelia nodded, watching him. She still trembled slightly with an ague she had caught in the dungeons. Her eyes were dark and burning.

Delita did not look at her. He avoided her gaze like a campaign-hardened general turning away from the ashy remains. But still he brought his maps to her solar, and still he solemnly defended her tinsel crown.

Some girls get ballads. Ovelia got a blade.


BOTH ALIKE IN DIGNITY moemachina November 12 2007, 19:03:45 UTC

When Delita returned to their camp, Ovelia dropped from a tree.

Delita yelped as they both hit the ground in one solid thunk. They grappled briefly before Delita managed to subdue her. It was not a hard-won victory. Ovelia was giggling madly.

"This...is why you have to stay a-alert at all times," she gasped. "I c-could've been an assassin."

"Assassins will be attacking you, not me," he said. "Are these hysterics? Are you having...vapors?"

Ovelia pushed herself up. "No, I don't have those. I have something...happier, I think."

"You have leaves in your hair," Delita said severely.


ROMEO IS BLEEDING, BUT NOT SO AS YOU'D NOTICE moemachina November 12 2007, 19:41:25 UTC
now I'm just taking things too far; many apologies to Tom Waits


"I don't know what you want from me," she whispers.

"We just want you to be what you've always been," he says. He leans against the cell wall and crosses his arms. "We just want you to be a princess."

"I'm not...you said I wasn't..." She makes a noise, deep in her throat, like a wounded bird.

He shifts restlessly. "What would you be, Ovelia? There are worse things than being a princess."

"A puppet," she mutters.

Something hard and hot contracts within Delita, but his face does not change. "A puppet who can take back her strings, Ovelia."


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