Jul 13, 2006 00:21
I was going to stop in at the Adams Street Library to request HOSTILE TAKEOVER on my walk back to the palace after work, but I didn't have my library card on me. Then it started raining. So, I'll take care of that business later. It's not like I have a lack of material to read.
I finally got a call from IBT on Monday when I was on my way up to Farmington with CJ and Ellie. My background check cleared and now it's up to me to determine when my start date will be. I went into starbucks today hoping to get a chance to talk with the new manager, but she was at meetings all day. Blast. I'll give her a call into the store tomorrow. Work was extra worklike today, because I had to be up at 5:20am just to catch the T into Cambridge. I'll be up even earlier on Friday and even earlier on Saturday. If I can make it through a whole shift after a night at the Avalon, I'm sure this week won't get the better of me. It better not, because next week is nearly identical. Guess who got the short straw? Guess who the newbie at work is? C'est moi! Oh la la!
Sarah Mascianica is in! So, now we know we have a crackerjack roommate for the fall. I am very uber super way wicked overly excited.
The Reel Big Fish/MxPx/Streetlight Manifesto was amazing!!! I danced so much! During RBF's encore, they played "Beer" three times in a row straight though. That was a little annoying but also unbelievably astounding. I was in the pit for most of the MxPx set. They talked way too much, but it was an awesome pit once the music got going. Streetlight was just breathtaking. Their set was much too short. I love their horn section to pieces.
The palace now comes equipped with a kitchen table and four matching chairs that I picked up at a yard sale for $25. They're in decent condition and I would claim them as a proud addition to the slowly growing furniture collection here.
Pics soon...maybe...if you're nice...