Here's a new month. It's November, which used to be the ninth month of the year before Augustus and Julius messed things up. How huge of an ego does one have that they need to name a new month after them? Hopefully we don't add a 13th month: Bushuary. Wtember. Hey, why not? It's Pax Americanus, right? We have Survivor on the television and wonderbread.
Louisa needs an oil change. I ought to get that taken care of at least before I head back east for Thanksgiving. Plans may be taking me into Boston on that Tuesday night to hang out with Ellie, CJ, and Devon. Then they wouldn't have to buy a train ticket for the next day.
Tonight, there was a "Mike Party." I honestly didn't know what to expect. We celebrated with Mike's hard lemonade, Mike and Ike candy, Miguel's corn chips, Hello my Name is nametags with "mike" written on each one. Everybody had to wear a nametag. We took the party out to Denny's and I had some grits. I actually got to eat grits instead of cream of wheat. I haven't had grits in a long time. We had to use cream of wheat during The Foreigner because Andrew Sellon, who played Charlie, is allergic to corn. The stage manager had to take extra special care when buying the apple juice too, because a lot of companies are sweetening juice with high fructose corn syrup these days. It's quite a shame.
Isn't biodeisel just a wonder of wonders? Who would have thought that you could power a deisel engine with vegetable oil? My goodness. Apparently Willie Nelson is making a good penny on a refuel station in Texas. More power to him. Will there be hybrid biodeisel cars in the future?
On a completely unrelated note: here's Val Kilmer.