Dec 08, 2005 18:30
To do this meme, go back in your archives and post the first sentence in the first entry for each month.
LJ Year in Review:
January: I hate all these projects we have to do
February: The Parking Lot Tram: The uncredited workhorse of
the Disneyland resort.
March: 1) What was Lily Potter's maiden name?
April: If I were a month, I'd be: July.
May: 1(x)Napoleon Dynamite
June: 1. ONE WISH?- to get out of this house!
July: Cedar point was muy awesome.
August: I HATE babysitting.
September: There's some intense stuff going on lately.
October: Yay for life.
November: Hello everyone!
December: (haven't made a December post yet. whoops >.<)