One word to descibe yourself, what would it be? A: Bohemian

Apr 02, 2005 17:36

If there was one word to describe yourself, what would it be?


Hmmm...Nothing really to report. I worked last night from 945 pm till 345am. Interesting.
I had to do the annual mad dash for tabs, insurance, and license renewal and also I wanted to get my birth certificate because I didn't have a copy. Because of that last item I had to go to Royal Oak, as that was the city I was born in. Explains why I like the city better than the sticks. While I was getting said b.c. I told the lady that my birthday was coming up soon and I never really knew what time I was born so I wanted to find out. 9:12 am. She asked me if that meant I was a morning person. That would be an interesting thing to find out. How many of the people out there are morning or night people because of the time of day they were born. These are the oddball things I think about.

My roomate was a sweetheart yesterday. Because my birthday is coming up, it was friday, and I was passing through Ferndale I got thai food and went to the record store that's next to it. While I was there my roomate called me and said he wanted to take me out on a date! I had been having a rough week with my birthday coming up so I thought it was sweet. As it turned out we didn't have time to go out because I had to work but we did hang out and watch "Finding Neverland" before I dashed out the door to work my shift. He did bring up a good point though. The whole point of roomates is so you can hang out together and not just talk about house stuff or bills. And that's the point to it all isn't it. In this world of high tech wizardry there is one thing I think all of us are seeking and all of us cherish. The ability to interact with one another so that we don't get lost in the great din of corporate existence which has us listed as a number instead of the bright creative beings we all are.

I've been a bit skeptical as of late about the corporate world. Interestingly enough, this search to find if that type of job would work for me started on my last birthday when much to my suprise my dad announced that he, "never thought he would ever buy (me) a suit." I was a bit puzzled by this because I wasn't quite sure why he would say such a thing. Trying to find the greater meaning in it all I asked him about it later and he said, "I just never thought of you as the type of person who would work a corporate ladder type of job." I thought about it later and came to this conclusion:
1. My dad has always bought me hippy clothes.
2. My dad has always made me think about the world around me and not accept it the way it is.
3. My dad has encouraged my spirituality and my mental clarity which are both defining factors in who I am today.
4. My dad told me about the world outside the ones I saw every day.

This all boils down to one thing. I am not a hippy as my father suspected.
My word is: Bohemian Later I looked it up in the dictionary and called a couple friends to get their opinion. I asked them if this (the definition) sounded like me, without telling them the word itself. Most common answer? "Wow, they pegged you didn't they?!" That word was bohemian.

I suppose the reason that this is of any importance is that as of late the universe has been giving me not so subtle ways of showing me that I am on the wrong path. I am just thankful that I took my head out of the sand long enough to notice!

I have realized in my life so far that you have to live your own life with the best that god (great spirit, goddess, universe etc...) has graced you with. If there is something in your heart that is calling you, and the more you TRY to ignore it, the louder it shouts: DO IT!

I know that some of this may seem repititious, it is the theme of the week. The best way I've been able to sort it all out is through writing. You can choose to read it or not. Have advice? give it. I will choose to take it or leave it. I would prefer words of incouragement simply because I've had so much naysaying in my life that I get offended by it. Like it's a personal challenge that I can't do something because it's too hard.


Looking forward to the future. New year, new beginning. The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!

Sorry for the rant...gotta happen sometimes!

Take care.
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