Sep 06, 2005 18:21
Oh my God, what a beautiful day it is today. So warm...but not too warm..clear blue skys...stunning.
I am happy because I got to chat with a friend last night that I see very very rarely, as he is half way round the world. I got to show him some of my photography and we was really impressed. Now coming from someone who is a photographer, I take that as a HUGE compliment. I know some basic compostition points but it wasn't until this year that I have really gotten to play...gotta love digital and photoshop. I've even been gettin used to seeing myself on film. THAT is something I know will take some time. I have not been known to be photogenic...but I'm working on it. Alot of that is self perception too...(I hope!)
Last night I finally unloaded my camera of all the photos of Chicago and it's getting to the point that I REALLY need to get my website up and running for all you folks to enjoy. Right now life is good.
Let's see...Oh yeah, I got in touch with a friend from the Red Planet pod bay...I think I'm gonna have to get in on some RP action once the season starts up again. YAY MARTIAN FOOTBALL! In case you're confused check out Good stuff...
Anyway...babbling but happy. check ya lata!