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teruel_a_witch October 7 2012, 13:36:05 UTC
Oh, well, you should, this season is different because it had a more involved multiple-episode arc, and it was more heart-freaking and less fun, but still good. And the next 6 eps are coming soon, from Oct.15. Yay for more Eyal. Isn't he charming?

Yeah, I keep starting more new shows instead of catching up on those I've already started,lol, granted, most of those were cancelled/finished shows so it's not like they are going anywhere. You know this site, watchseries.eu? Very handy. But I guess availability makes me jump from show to show without really getting hooked, hence me only getting through 2/3 of the first season of shows like Everwood, Dark Angel, Greek, Moonlight, etc *gg*

Btw, the second ep of Elementary was better. And whatever they say, I like that Joan Watson doesn't take Sherlock's shit, no one should XD
Oh, also, do you watch New Girl? That show really surprised me by how much I started to like it as it went on. The pilot was eh, and then it was struggling but when it found its groove even the Quirkey Pixienel is not as annoying, and the show calls her on that shit when she is.

YES, THE GREENDALE MOULD IS SO TOXIC YOU CAN SMELL IT THROUGH COMPUTER SCREEN. I'm really really worried (re:my them ignoring Annie concerns, you know, plus, fear that they are making the show weird just for the sake of being weird) but also in such anticipation.


moeexyz October 8 2012, 19:54:15 UTC
Yay for more Eyal. Isn't he charming?
Yes! I love him so much! I'm glad there's more of him.

I know exactly how you feel. I started like three new shows this summer that I have yet to finish. And I rewatched a bunch of stuff I've already seen a million times before. I'm still adjusting to having no free time to watch anything anymore.

I love Joan! I keep seeing everyone trying to make everything she does into something negative and I'm like "Seriously? Look at how BAMF she is? What is wrong with you people?" I love that she doesn't just let Sherlock walk all over her. That's always been the Holmes and Watson dynamic in every adaptation, and I'd be pissed if it weren't the same just because she's a woman. I'm so glad with how Elementary is going.

I remember I hated the New Girl pilot. Jess annoyed me so much, but I adore it now. It's one of the shows that genuinely makes me laugh out loud when I watch it. And I want my own personal Winston.

Also, I finished Homeland. I managed to get my dad hoked on it as well, which is like the first time that's ever worked. (Usually he just makes fun of the shows I watch.) Except he missed the first half of season 1 while my mum and I were watching it, so he keeps asking really funny questions. I think at one point he thought Abu Nazir and Saul were the same person.


teruel_a_witch October 8 2012, 21:31:51 UTC
Well, there's only one ep with him in the first 10, but he'll be in the 5 of the next 6, like a proper arc, love him too, and even though I do ship Annie/Auggie, I also ship Annie/Eyal, their chemistry is just so HAWT.

Lol, I started more than 3, but yeah, didn't finish anything. I rewatched all of the IT Crowd (gawd I love that show soo much, why isn't there 5 billion episodes of it?) and Black Books, and 2 full seasons of Xena, lol, my childhood, how all the lesbian subtext went over my head back then and how much of it I saw now xD

I'm still adjusting to having no free time to watch anything anymore.
That's gonna be me soon, probably. 'cause I am gonna take a course to be a tour guide (lost of tourists in Saint-Petersburg) and it starts next week, ugh, hate to think how much stuff I would have to memorize.

I love that she doesn't just let Sherlock walk all over her.
Yeah, it's my favourite. I saw complaints that it's not like Sherlock and Watson because she doesn't act like she wants to be there and she is paid to do so, well, duh, I love the touch of realism, just because Sherlock is a great detective does not cancel the fact he's an entitled asshole and I love that she doesn't let him walk all over, she calls him on his shit, and eventually they will grow into good friend, when he learns to appreciate her and she'll see that he's not so bad. And I mean it's not like BBC Sherlock had multiple episodes to let the characters grow into each other, they had to do it in leaps, here we see a slower version of them getting to know each other and becoming friends. People are so ready to discard the show before giving it a chance.

I remember I hated the New Girl pilot. Jess annoyed me so much, but I adore it now. It's one of the shows that genuinely makes me laugh out loud when I watch it.
This. And during most of s1 I was on the fence about shipping, I alternated between Shmitt/Jess and Nick/Jess but now I'm definitely on board the Nick/Jess train, he's just got it bad for her, it's adorable, and kinda sad, because she doesn't feel quite the same yet, but they'll get there. Can I just say I adore their fights? I mean I always love to watch my ships fight but ugh, their fights are such a bonfire to watch, fireworks everywhere, they are bombastic when they fight, you can see that ~PASSION~.
Winston is hilarious.

Lol, Homeland would be kind of hard to make fun of. It's a very SRS BZNS show (it's actually usually not the kind I'd watch, I prefer something more fun, but I just can't resist spy stuff) Ugh, I was so fucking angry at the end of s1, just ugh, so NOT FAIR. She saved everyone but was treated like a lunatic and what's worse it made her doubt herself. And season two is only 2 episodes in but it's killing me already. (lol, it's a very peculiar combination I have on Mondays - Once, 666 Park Avenue, Homeland and Revenge *gg*)
I think at one point he thought Abu Nazir and Saul were the same person.
HAHAHA, "Inconceivable!" (Princess Bride and Mandy Patinkin reference anyone? ;))


moeexyz October 9 2012, 17:55:04 UTC
why isn't there 5 billion episodes of it?
I know! That shows is the best. They're supposed to do another series of it but I don't think they are since all the actors seem to be doing their own thing now. :(

and eventually they will grow into good friend, when he learns to appreciate her and she'll see that he's not so bad.
That's what I love most about it. In most adaptations the friendship is already there, but in this one we get to see it develop which has never happened before. It's nice, especially considering how different Sherlock and Watson's personalities are from each other. They're supposed to have this really deep friendship, so it should be interesting to watch that grow and see how these people fit into each other's lives.

their fights are such a bonfire to watch, fireworks everywhere, they are bombastic when they fight, you can see that ~PASSION~
Their fights are the actual best thing. And I love that the fights are actually funny rather than just a fight for the sake of UST. Like if you listen to some of the ridiculous crap they yell at each other you start snorting with laughter. And god I just love them so much.
I'm not too much in the fandom, so I'm not sure if this is true, but apparently they're not planning to bring Nick and Jess together, at least for a very long time. I understand it, but I hope they don't drag it out, because it could get tiring really easy. And also they just rally need to make out for the sake of my sanity.

Best ever. Every Nick quote is the best tbh.

and what's worse it made her doubt herself
I hated that so much! Carrie deserves a damn statue in her honour or something, and instead they made her think she's crazy. And what's even worse is she finally had what she needed to catch Brody and then she forgot it all, and it was all because everyone else was a big bag of dicks and AFGHTRFJHDSGHKJGASKKJ. God dammit!


teruel_a_witch October 9 2012, 18:23:06 UTC
I'm literally unable to think about anything else right now. Those Community spoilers. *dead inside* (check M_M if you don't know what it's about or FY J/A)


moeexyz October 9 2012, 18:37:31 UTC

What ... what ... WHAT? Why? Why is this necessary? Why do we have to go back to that. Why are we making this a love triangle AGAIN when all it did the first time around was make people unhappy and start ship-wars and WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS TO US?


teruel_a_witch October 9 2012, 19:59:39 UTC
Perfect gif is perfect.

So yeah, apparently, THE ONLY thing that was keeping Jeff and Britta apart was all those WALLS and it was such a turn-off for Britta, but when Jeff opens up it will change? WHAT IS THIS BULLSHIT. THAT IS NOT WHY JEFF AND BRITTA DOES NOT WORK. They are romantically incompatible, self-destructive and just plain mean to each other.They were both lonely when they were sleeping together. AND SRSLY WHY REVISIT THAT RELATIONSHIP THAT HAS BEEN OVER AND DONE WITH SINCE AT LEAST SEASON 2? ARE WE JUST GONNA IGNORE ALL THE S3, TOO?
This is a good post about s3
Srsly, the gravity montage is costing us credibility even 1,5 years after the fact. With "homages" like that you don't need mockery.

And the way they treat Annie, she still gets the age crap shoved onto her, apparently, she has no agenda, because she's a young woman she's wrong about everything and doesn't know what she wants. And the question was about Jeff and Annie, assholes, WHY DO YOU TALK ABOUT BRITTA'S LOVE LIFE AND THEN MENTION JEFF AND ANNIE AS A PASSING REFERENCE? Britta gets to be Abed's therapist, Britta dates Troy, Britta helps Jeff deal with his father and maybe even dates him later? Idk. Annie, Annie just gets something vague that just make me think they have no fucking clue what to do with her character at all. AND MOSES PORT ADMITTED FREELY THAT HE'S A JEFF/BRITTA SHIPPER, THAT IS JUST NOT SHOWRUNNER BEHAVIOUR. But now I can see how s4 might just turn out to be a Britta-centric J/B fanfiction.

When I woke up today I thought things couldn't be worse because the premier of Community was put off indefinitely, but then they dumped all those spoilers and I found myself dead, like really, I'd rather wait even more for the premier if it meant not having to deal with J/B, but that is now an if only. I'm so fucking pissed and frustrated.


moeexyz October 9 2012, 20:21:00 UTC
When I woke up today I thought things couldn't be worse because the premier of Community was put off indefinitely

And can we not with Jeff/Britta again. It's not that I don't have anything against them, but I feel like their storyline has played itself out so many times. And there was nothing between them in s3 at all. This is coming out of nowhere.

And also CAN WE NOT WITH ANNIE BEING YOUNG? She's what, a year younger than Troy? She's almost 22 at this stage. She's perfectly capable of making her own decisions and knowing what's good for her when it comes to relationships.

And idk. I liked it better when the show was making all the couples a possibility while crushing all the couples at the same time. At least then it was equal opportunity for all shippers. And it wasn't like a BIG DEAL. Their were couples but overall it was about the group. Here it's Britta going from Troy to Jeff to whatever and it just seems like unnecessary drama, and I just want them to leave my show alone okay!



teruel_a_witch October 9 2012, 20:57:43 UTC
Oh, wow, you don't know? The fandom started the day being distraught by that
it just got delayed, till god knows when, for REASONS. (you know how NBC is with its usual reasons, they will probably just make in a midseason replacement for one of their tanking shows)

I feel like their storyline has played itself out so many times. And there was nothing between them in s3 at all.
RIGHT? But apparently it's this big thing that has been ever-present and needs resolution. Yup, totally. We MUST beat the dead horse. They have not learnt the lesson that it's never good to resurrect dead things, they will bite you in the ass (literally or not ;))
So, apparently, all those seasons Jeff was working on becoming a better guy so that he can properly get with Britta, yup, that's what the show was about, not about a group of misfits that came together, no, it was about Jeff/Britta all along. "Third time is charm", so the next time Jeff and Britta get married it'll be for real, we should have read the signs. Also, apparently we imagined the most part of J/A, they only conceded "a little bit" UUGH THIS MAKES ME SO FUCKING ANGRY AARGH.

I CAN'T EVEN WITH THE WHOLE AGE ARGUMENT AGAINST ANNIE. IT'S LIKE IT'S HER DEFINING TRAIT, WHICH IT IS NOT! So yeah, according to him 22-year old women can't decide for themselves (well, gee, thanks, Mr Guarasco, much obliged for your guidance) Like srsly, there are whole tv-shows about people 6 years younger than Annie having serious relationships and stuff, WHY ARE WE FOCUSING ON ANNIE'S AGE? Clearly just to discredit us and build up Britta and Jeff.

Here it's Britta going from Troy to Jeff to whatever and it just seems like unnecessary drama
Yes, we don't NEED this messiness, a time when Jeff/Britta and Jeff/Annie collided was s2 and it's long over now, and it's like they are ignoring all the years of development, making Annie and Troy nothing more than stepping stones on Jeff and Britta's way to each other.

EXACTLY. THE DUDE WAS OBVIOUSLY CRAZY ABOUT HER AND DIDN'T EVEN DATE ANYONE ELSE, WHY ARE YOU TRIVIALIZING THIS AND MAKING IT SOUND LIKE IT WAS ALL IN ANNIE'S HEAD AGAIN? Notice how they don't speak anything about Jeff's feelings for Annie, only Annie's possible feelings about Jeff, and how Troy and Britta affect Jeff,etc, THE QUESTION WAS ABOUT JEFF AND ANNIE YOU ASSHOLES.


teruel_a_witch October 11 2012, 00:35:48 UTC
Yeah, still the funniest of all shows for me, def. favourite British sitcom, and so many relatable and yet hilariously grotesque moments, srsly, it does share a spirit with Community. *sigh* Yeah, seems unlikely, it's been more than 2 years since the last series already :( I was rewatching it for a third time this summer and when I ended I got withdrawal symptoms again, 24 episodes, what a travesty :(

Yeah, I actually tend to care more about relationships/friendships that appear and blossom right before my eyes, I very rarely care about pre-existing relationships, at least not until quite a few episodes in. You just need to get used to the new characters and it's more relatable when they are getting used to each other at the same time as you.

the fights are actually funny rather than just a fight for the sake of UST.
Well, of course, all the fighting between all the characters is extremely funny and delightful, srsly, this show turned out to be such a gem, those who refuse to watch it because of their irrational hatred for Zooey Dechanel are really missing out, she is annoying but she's not Satan, geez. (actually, I'm sad to say that but recently I found that Schmitt became the most annoying thing about the show, yes, Jess toned it (quirkiness) down and he really turned it (douche-iness) up, that is not to say I hate him or anything, but he kind of used to be my favourite in the beginning but recently I've been finding him more and more annoying and Nick more and more delightful, like srsly, oh my go so much love for Nick, especially in all the recent episodes. But Schmitt's personality aside, all the guy actors are killing it, they are seriously comedic geniuses, and Zooey isn't THAT bad, and anyway I could never hate a petite brunette with blue eyes)

god I just love them so much.
RIGHT? And I only got a little tingly before but this season, my oh my, I think the previous episode totally did it for me, they are becoming a problem, because this latest episode didn't even have anything that shippy or significant, but my heart started to fill with joy at just anything they do together, talk, high five, discuss stuff, even just sit together, (they are just so married omg) or like when Jess was lying on the sofa when the guys came home and Nick just jumped and stretched out comfortably with his body sort of at a respectable distance but still towards/near her, so domestic, and when he got really close while whispering and hovering over her lying form, and he was so delighted and wanted to share it with her, I actually felt "whoa", like that kind of thing didn't affect me before, but it totally did this time, they have become a problem,lol. No, srsly, the more I watch it the more it's starting to seem that Mr Grumpy is just head over heels for her, aww.

I'm not a part of any comms, I just see gifs when I browse Tumblr, but I think on Paley Fest they sorta let the fans know that they are taking their sweet time with Nick and Jess, but obviously they are endgame. But ugh, if things remain the same (i.e. Nick's adoring eyes all the time) I might become impatient.

they just rally need to make out for the sake of my sanity.
This. So much. They give me butterflies. BUTTERFLIES. This shit is serious. The situation I'm developing. I might actually start needing fanfic soon. And once I read fanfic there's no going back.

Every Nick quote is the best tbh.
Haha, yes, I DON'T KNOW WHICH FORK TO KILL MYSELF WITH. Guh, I love his hatred for everything so much, he is me, I'm prematurely old,too, I was born an old spinster cat lady and me and my best friend are always sighing "ah, kids these days" (and we are 22 XD)

And what's even worse is she finally had what she needed to catch Brody and then she forgot it all, and it was all because everyone else was a big bag of dicks and AFGHTRFJHD.
Exactly, ahdavghdvghasvdghsa, I was so fucking pissed. I had no idea the finale was open-ended, I thought that was it, that was the show, and then it ended and I was like FUCK, please tell me there will be more, and thankgawd it was renewed. But still, so fucking pissed. So not fair. I hated Brody so much.
Have you had the chance to watch the first 2 eps of s2? It already started VERY strong.


moeexyz October 12 2012, 17:47:43 UTC
so many relatable and yet hilariously grotesque moments, srsly, it does share a spirit with Community
I once read a fic where the study group went to work at Reynholm Industries, and Jen always wanted to go up and see Jeff because he's attractive, and Troy, Abed and Moss were all bffs ofc. And Roy wanted to bang Annie, and Annie was really confused about why no one ever did any work. It was the best things ever.

I found that Schmitt became the most annoying thing about the show
I dunno. There are times when I'm just like "for the love of god STOP" but I think he still has his awesome moments. And Max Greenfield is fantastic. Like you said, they all are really.

They killed me in that episode. They're actually so married it hurts. Like, every time he went near her I just melted inside. And I love her playing along to his pranks. And the fact that now they're both loser/slobs, at least for a while. And I just love them. And they'd be so good together, and HE BUILT THE DRESSER AND HE'S OPPOSED TO THE NO ADELE RULE BECAUSE ADELE PLAYS IN HIS SOUL WHEN HE SEES HER!

I love what an old man he is. Nick trying to start a garden was possibly the funniest thing I've ever seen. And Future Nick.

Have you had the chance to watch the first 2 eps of s2? It already started VERY strong.
I watched the 1st one (which was great!) and I'm waiting to watch the second one on Irish time because apparently Homeland is a family show that we all have to watch together as a family now. XD


teruel_a_witch October 13 2012, 00:44:46 UTC
Sounds fun, except ew on the Roy and Annie front XD
I saw Dan saying that he would like a crossover with the IT Crowd out of all shows *sigh* Also, he wanted to get Richard to guest star and actually play a role that Matt Lucas was cast for this season. Ugh, what an opportunity down the drain, I so would have liked to see Danny and Richard together on screen.

It's like idk, maybe I'm a little bit too over the whole douche-shtick, but he's been annoying me lately. I guess I just really don't like people who try too hard.

Like, every time he went near her I just melted inside.
Ugh, same, he's just so naturally drawn to her *sigh*

And I love her playing along to his pranks.
Yes, and he wanted to share his enthusiasm with her, like, maybe unconsciously to impress her or something, because her opinion matters.

YES, OH MY GOD, I WAS LIKE HE'S SUCH A GOOD BOYFRIEND. Like he would do stuff like that for her without thinking, like when she was "let's go there" and he's like "ok", no question. And I was like "shut up" at all the guys that were trying to say different because yes, first and foremost, you should do what you can do for your friend, especially if it's no problem at all, it's not a manly skills in exchange for sexual favours scheme, or at least, it shouldn't be. And I love that in the end Nick was like "screw everyone, I won't let them set boundaries in our friendship". That was pretty hot. And of course my shipper heart likes the implications even if my feminist self does not like that implication that males and female can't have close friendship, like if two women were friends and one happened to know how to put a dresser together and the other didn't, no one would say anything about one helping the other, but if it's a male and female, it's automatically implies that men only have to go through actual effort for women they get to sleep with, otherwise they absolutely shouldn't. That smells of male privilege, tbh.

Yes, he's such a Grumpy, I love him.

I'm waiting to watch the second one on Irish time because apparently Homeland is a family show that we all have to watch together as a family now. XD
Lol, you have wonders of restraint, I would have said screw it I ain't gonna wait for you to my family and downloaded it anyway xD


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