I've joined the tsn-a-thon on Tumblr. So that's a thing. I realize probably none of you are a part of this fandom, but you should be, because the people are awesome, and the ship is heart break, and everyone involved int hat beautiful movie deserves all the awards in every category ever
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I've only read a couple of books of each author and I enjoyed those, though I didn't go batshit crazy for them. Terry is REALLY witty, I enjoyed that a lot. I think Gaiman didn't, like, sweep me off my feet because I didn't read the books in original. I still loved The Graveyard Book,though.
I never watched any of Eleven era Confidentials, I was too afraid to come across Moffat talking, whenever I see his face and he opens his mouth I usually end up irrationally angry and want to smash things, I just cannot stand him this much, and with the things he says most of the time he's definitely not helping that repulsion.
I just watched Xmas special, and cried when we learnt the father was alive, I'm such a sap, omg. But I like that for once on Doctor Who Xmas special everybody lives and you are not just sad after.
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