I love that you get really excited and then weirded out by how much you love all the murder. It makes me feel less sinister for writing it XD Thank you for the comment!
Lol I don't really want people to think I'm going to become a killer or something, but I've always been a fan of dying painfully like that, I cheer everytime it happens in the movies is what I mean, and sometimes that freaks people out. You should kill starburns more often, he kind of sucks. Every story is awesome.
Haha, I know how you feel. If I die and they check my google searches like on CSI and stuff, they're gonna think I joined the mob. Don't worry about it too much. I find the weirdly gory choreographed deaths pretty cool too. Starburns is lame.
I go slightly closer to 'is she deranged? Hide the children!' By having a list of my favorote natural disasters, top 5 favorite serial killers and I like famous deaths. It's okay if you want to run as far away from me as possible. I would too if I were someone other than me. Starburns thinks star sideburns is cool. He is the Britta of the sideburn world.
Haha, I had this phase where I got really interested in serial killers, and like looked up the most famous killers of America, once. I still kind of am. I like crazy murders that happened in hotels that sound like scary stories and stuff.
I think we can just both agree that it's clearly not safe for anyone else in the world to be around us.
Hehe, I just pictured him at like a sidenburn club meeting and they all have intricate shapes on their faces, and he's there with his stars, and the other sideburn people are just like "you're the worst!"
I was a frequent visitor to the wikipedia masterlist of serial killers and I found Albert Fish and fell in love. I mean how stupid do you have to be to send a letter to the parents of a child you ate? I like it when they do something stupid, but I also like it when they do something creepy like make blankets from the skins of their victims. Its interesting but ... people get weirded out by it.
We'll create a "weird people into murder and death and stuff" club and be surrounded by our nonjudging peers.
Please let someone be an overachiever and have a president or poem shavee into his sideburns. He would def be the leader of said group.
I like it when they're all mysterious about it, like you know they killed people but no one's sure how many people. Jack-the-ripper sort of things. And yeah, for like a week I kept spurting out Ted Bundy facts at people, and they were all like 'why do you know these things?' with like horrified expressions. So.
That would be a fun club. We can drink grape juice and pretend it's blood, just so we can stick with out creepers theme. And there'll also be brownies.
They'll hold award ceremonies every month for the best sideburns, and Starburns will never win. He'll look up internet videos of how to shave interesting sideburns but when he does it everyone will just think he's trying to hard. It's a tragic life for the boring sideburn people of the world.
Oh I love that, they have a list of murders Fish was prosecuted for but they aren' t sure about the real amount. Those kind of people are just awesome in my eyes. How eo you kill so many people without being caught, and since saying an amount would just screw themselves they are the only people who know the actual number. I was never a big fan if Bundy because I felt I would have fallen for his ploy and that's just creepy, imagining yourself as one of the victims is just ... terrible.
Yes, blood juice and graveyard brownies and lady fingers (for the cannibal finatics) and we'll. Pick one serial killer a weekto discuss and debate and generally fan over abd we'll. Have a secretary who writes the minutes that we'd post to our website for fanatics around the world. In a few years we'll think if having a convention or a summit so that we could get together and discuss them on a wider scale.
*they only let Starburns because he was the only wlone who stepped up to represent Greendale at the meetings. Behind his back the sideburn committee members make fun of him because he's such an amateur that his stars don't even look like stars (he forgets to shave and maintain sometimes because he's so stoned) and they were thinking of entering him in a national competition but that would make the committee look bad.
Exactly. The really good ones are the ones who kept all their secrets, because they just seem that much scarier. I've never really imagine if it could happen to me though, I'd probably end up having agoraphobia if I did that.
And at our conventions everybody would come dressed up as a murder victim so we'd all show up with like fake guts hanging out. And there'd always be that one guy who goes all out, and he'd show up wearing real skin and no one would talk to him because he is a weirdo, even for us serial killer fanatics.
Haha. Every week the commitee's just like "so we have to do something about this Starburns problem" but everyone just puts it off because nobody cares enough about Starburns to think of elaborate ways of kicking him out.
Oh fuck. That dude. Is so crazy, especially because he's neve told anyone what he does or wwhere he got it. Remember that one discussion on cannibals, when he told us about all the different weid animals he's eaten. Sure we've had people eat deer and the occasional crocodile but he's eaten monkeys and tiger and lion and the crazy fucker smiled the whole time he was telling us? What about the time he mentioned wanted to eat someone, and having already decided who they would eat. Why haven't we kicked him out yet? Oh yeah, his serial kikler memorabilia collection is fucking extensive.
Lol season 2 finale with starburns and the sideburn committee subbee for the main characters.
Yeah, and he won't sell any of it to anyone. I've tried to buy that Jeffrey Dahmer statue he has like a hundred times. Sometimes I think he only keeps it so he can show off. He's not even a big Dahmer fan anyway. Everyone knows he's more of a Charles Manson kind of guy, he just wants to piss everybody off.
Haha. In that episode the committee find out Starburns' father holds the record of the best sideburns in history, and all his life Starburns has tried and failed to follow in his father's footsteps. He just wants to paint and get high, dad! He doesn't care about his stupid sideburns! GOD!
We have created something beautiful. I was actually thinking of writing a fix based on the Sideburns committee to post on communitytv but I don't know if anyone else would appreciate what we have made!
He claims to have bone from actual victims of Albert Fish, but how would he know? Can you even verify that shit? He murdered kids in the 20's. And how exactly is he allowed to have human bones in his possession without the police watching him? Oh God.
Yes, starburns is the only son of the legendary Mark "Capitan America" Osbourne, who is nationally known for having shaven his left sideburns into the outline of the USA while his rift sideburns has the word America. The real wonder is that Mark looked hot as hell, while the son he had with his beautiful wife Alex kind of looks like a hobbit.
I honestly think you should do it anyway. Who cares if no one else has a clue what's going on. Do it for the children. THEY NEED TO KNOW!
I bet he's really a fraud. He probably has a basement where he keeps crazy science chemicals, and he just spends all day trying to make things look more authentic so we don't question him.
Captain America still suspects his wife had an affair with Carl "Hairyburns" Johnson. He never could get those things under controls. It explains why Starburns has that problem.
I'm def. trying, but I can't do it alone, you've helped me create something beautiful, which means you should help bring it into the world.
THAT ASSHOLE! He's been calling all of us fakes because we find him creepy. We've actually visited victims homes and got artifacts verified and that ASSHOLE is just making this shit up in his make-shift lab in his house? Too bad the police wouldn't do something about it. WWDD? (What Would Dexter Do?) Let's kill this bitch, serial killer style. Anyone know who his favorite is?
Sure, Mark has always had an inkling that this wack ass kid isn't his, but His father hadn't been around much, and his mother had been a drunk. If he was going to take care of Alex as his own kid, then he will do his damnedest to be the best father possible ... for the next 2 1/2 years. Fucking cancer, can't do shit without getting it.
This is just ... CE MANIFIQUE!
Thank you for the comment!
You should kill starburns more often, he kind of sucks.
Every story is awesome.
Starburns is lame.
It's okay if you want to run as far away from me as possible. I would too if I were someone other than me.
Starburns thinks star sideburns is cool. He is the Britta of the sideburn world.
I think we can just both agree that it's clearly not safe for anyone else in the world to be around us.
Hehe, I just pictured him at like a sidenburn club meeting and they all have intricate shapes on their faces, and he's there with his stars, and the other sideburn people are just like "you're the worst!"
We'll create a "weird people into murder and death and stuff" club and be surrounded by our nonjudging peers.
Please let someone be an overachiever and have a president or poem shavee into his sideburns. He would def be the leader of said group.
That would be a fun club. We can drink grape juice and pretend it's blood, just so we can stick with out creepers theme. And there'll also be brownies.
They'll hold award ceremonies every month for the best sideburns, and Starburns will never win. He'll look up internet videos of how to shave interesting sideburns but when he does it everyone will just think he's trying to hard. It's a tragic life for the boring sideburn people of the world.
Yes, blood juice and graveyard brownies and lady fingers (for the cannibal finatics) and we'll. Pick one serial killer a weekto discuss and debate and generally fan over abd we'll. Have a secretary who writes the minutes that we'd post to our website for fanatics around the world. In a few years we'll think if having a convention or a summit so that we could get together and discuss them on a wider scale.
They onky le
And at our conventions everybody would come dressed up as a murder victim so we'd all show up with like fake guts hanging out. And there'd always be that one guy who goes all out, and he'd show up wearing real skin and no one would talk to him because he is a weirdo, even for us serial killer fanatics.
Haha. Every week the commitee's just like "so we have to do something about this Starburns problem" but everyone just puts it off because nobody cares enough about Starburns to think of elaborate ways of kicking him out.
Lol season 2 finale with starburns and the sideburn committee subbee for the main characters.
This is how my brain works.
Haha. In that episode the committee find out Starburns' father holds the record of the best sideburns in history, and all his life Starburns has tried and failed to follow in his father's footsteps. He just wants to paint and get high, dad! He doesn't care about his stupid sideburns! GOD!
I personally love what we have created here.
I was actually thinking of writing a fix based on the Sideburns committee to post on communitytv but I don't know if anyone else would appreciate what we have made!
He claims to have bone from actual victims of Albert Fish, but how would he know? Can you even verify that shit? He murdered kids in the 20's. And how exactly is he allowed to have human bones in his possession without the police watching him? Oh God.
Yes, starburns is the only son of the legendary Mark "Capitan America" Osbourne, who is nationally known for having shaven his left sideburns into the outline of the USA while his rift sideburns has the word America. The real wonder is that Mark looked hot as hell, while the son he had with his beautiful wife Alex kind of looks like a hobbit.
I bet he's really a fraud. He probably has a basement where he keeps crazy science chemicals, and he just spends all day trying to make things look more authentic so we don't question him.
Captain America still suspects his wife had an affair with Carl "Hairyburns" Johnson. He never could get those things under controls. It explains why Starburns has that problem.
THAT ASSHOLE! He's been calling all of us fakes because we find him creepy. We've actually visited victims homes and got artifacts verified and that ASSHOLE is just making this shit up in his make-shift lab in his house? Too bad the police wouldn't do something about it. WWDD? (What Would Dexter Do?) Let's kill this bitch, serial killer style. Anyone know who his favorite is?
Sure, Mark has always had an inkling that this wack ass kid isn't his, but His father hadn't been around much, and his mother had been a drunk. If he was going to take care of Alex as his own kid, then he will do his damnedest to be the best father possible ... for the next 2 1/2 years. Fucking cancer, can't do shit without getting it.
Also, I think I love you.
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