Fic: Everything You Do is Super Duper Cute And I Can't Stand It (45/?)

Apr 17, 2011 20:12

Fandom: Community
Title: Everything You Do is Super Duper Cute And I Can't Stand It.
Character/Pairing(s): Jeff, Annie, Jeff/Annie
Rating: PG
Summary: Stolen moments from every episode between Jeff and Annie.
Disclaimer: I sadly do not own Community. Or Bones.
A/N - During Competitive Wine Tasting. Previous chapters can be found at the Chapter Directory.

Maybe )

jeff winger, annie edison, community, jeff/annie, fanfic

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teruel_a_witch April 17 2011, 23:12:37 UTC
*loves the massive reply*

I hate when they make Jeff too jerky, because I love Jeff and I feel like I need to defend him even though I agree.
yesyesyesyesyesyesYES, I KNEW you'd understand, only someone who loves Jeff would understand, it's especially hard for me because I have this aggressive feminist half of my brain that makes it difficult to love anything male just by association and it makes really difficult for me to love someone despite their faults so I need to find reasons to justify those faults and that kind of behaviour from my favourites, and my whole brain is crying when I can't find them and explain or when the reasons are not enough to justify what they do, the bottom line is I just HATE it when they make difficult for me to love him and there is not good reason why he is like this.

I hope one of those millions of lessons they make him learn actually sticks, because we know that he loves the group, so there's no point in him acting like a douche now.
YES, exactly, it's like they show character development and then send him a few stages back, like first they didn't know if the show'd get a new season so they developed his character but then they decided they'd given away all the good stuff to soon so they backtracked from the positive development and had Jeff resisting the study group when he actually openly enjoyed that friendship at least since the second semester, and if anything he has been more jerky most of s2 than he'd been for the bigger part of s1, which is a pattern that worries me, you probably noticed that House kept getting jerkier and harder with each season and I really don't want that to happen with Jeff, I don't want for them to make it impossible to love him and make us start thinking he doesn't deserve Annie. The House fiasco officially made me paranoid which is why I had a total freakout during all of Saturday after I watched the episode on Friday, because I remembered that the House/Cameron complete downfall started when House started making disrespectful comments about her when he only ever did that with Cuddy and the fact that Jeff grossed out Annie in BOTH scenes they had together was just an anxiety trigger for me, I've come to terms with it now and stopped making it a big deal out of it but it's still there.

Like, they can still have him be sort of selfish and all because that's who Jeff is, but he's also nice.
Yes, basically the whole story with Chang,Shirley and Jeff in 2x18 illustrates it.

If some one used a crappy pick up line with me, but looked like Joel McHale, I'd be theirs :L
Haha, I'm not sure, because the moments when Jeff uses his crappy pick-ups (like horses are magical creatures or you are the most beautiful creature I've ever seen) with his false leech-y voice are probably the only times I'm not attracted to him XD


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