Fic: Everything You Do is Super Duper Cute And I Can't Stand It (37/?)

Jan 22, 2011 12:33

Fandom: Community
Title: Everything You Do is Super Duper Cute And I Can't Stand It.
Character/Pairing(s): Jeff, Annie, Jeff/Annie
Rating: PG
Summary: Stolen moments from every episode between Jeff and Annie.
Disclaimer: Belongs to Mr Harmon.
A/N - After Asian Population Studies. Which was awesome, btw. Yay, our show is back! Previous chapters at the Read more... )

rich, jeff winger, annie edison, community, jeff/annie, fanfic

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Comments 11

cold_queen_5 January 22 2011, 12:42:04 UTC
Oh, Jeff. What I loved was the ambiguity of why he went to Rich. Did he go to Rich to learn how to say 'no' to Annie? Or to discover how he could become someone acceptable to the group for being with Annie? I like that you touch on Jeff's indecision, as if even he doesn't know.


moeexyz January 22 2011, 12:52:24 UTC
Same, when I was writing this I wanted to put in the reason why he went to Rich, but there's like a million different reasons. He could go to be better for the group. Or just Annie. Or just seem better so that he'd stop getting treated like a jerk. Or simply just want to be like Rich who he admired. There's so many possibilities.

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.


(The comment has been removed)

moeexyz January 22 2011, 13:49:04 UTC
Me too, I missed writing these, despite how frustrated I get trying to think of them.

Thanks :D


whitters23 January 22 2011, 15:11:22 UTC
Lol, love that Rich has his mother's face scratched out of every picture! There is a little bit of crazy in him... even though he's perfect.

Yes! Jeff, why don't you date her?

I was so proud that Annie confronted him in the men's room. And I was even prouder that Jeff admitted it wasn't that simple... and didn't just blow her off. :D


moeexyz January 22 2011, 15:20:11 UTC
I love his inner crazy. It's so creepy but awesome.

Same. I love how they've both grown so much since the first episode of the season when Annie was just 'young flesh'.

Thanks for reviewing :D


lunamystik January 22 2011, 16:00:55 UTC
What I got from Jeff going to see Rich is that he wanted to learn to be like someone who could say no to Annie - therefore, I love what you wrote here. And yes, Rich seems way too perfect not to have something big up his sleeve, or hiding in his closet.


moeexyz January 22 2011, 16:23:12 UTC

The way I see it, Jeff saw Rich as himself minus the bad parts. I think he went to Rich so he could be better for the whole group and not just Annie, but she probably played a bigger part in it.


mrssnape13 January 23 2011, 03:52:25 UTC
Pierce is his own outrageous way. ;)

LOVE this. Nice play on why Jeff went to see Rich: nice lessons? Or Annie? Awesome way to keep it canon but give us that little extra bit of loveliness! :)


moeexyz January 23 2011, 12:20:55 UTC
Thanks you. Glad you enjoyed it.


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