Community meme :D

Jan 12, 2011 19:58

From the Community meme eleventhimpala posted.

So basically, list ten characters and answer the questions. So in no order whatsoever.

1) Troy
2) Leonard
3) Britta
4) Abed
5) Annie
6) Pierce
7) Vaughn
8) Jeff
9) Dean Pelton
10) Shirley

1. 4, 9 and 10 are at an arcade. What game do they choose to play, and who wins?
They choose to play asteroid of course. and Abed wins, duh.

2. Make up an e-mail address for 6.
Ha, like Pierce knows how to use e-mail. I kid, I love him. I'm just not very creative with e-mail addresses.

3. If 8 had an iPod or some other kind of music player, what type of songs would one find on it?
I always imagined him listening to classic rock songs type things. Like The Beatles, Rolling Stones, and Bon Jovi. Dad music basically. And for some reason Mumford and Sons.

4. What would you do if 9 suddenly paid you a visit?
Die of happiness, maybe? Or decorate my bedroom. It's boring and he designed the Human Being. Only good things could come of it.

5. Do you think 6 and 4 are made for each other?
Haha. Yes, very much so.

6. 1 challenges 3 to a no-holds-barred duel. Who will win and how?
Is that like those wild west things where they have to get their guns quick. Like a Mexican showdown. If it is, then probably Troy. If it's not, that I don't know how to answer this.

7. 7, 2 and 1 order a pizza. What toppings does each one request, and what do the others think of the choices?
Troy would order Hawaiian, because he seems like the type that would enjoy fruit on Pizza. Leornard would want something meaty. Pepperoni, perhaps? And Vaughn would order something organic. Or he'd say pizza isn't mellow enough and Leonard and Troy would judge him.

8. What subject would 1 teach if s/he were a teacher/professor?
Something really really fun. Like how to be strategic in a water fight. Or maybe some sort of dance class.

9. 5 and 10 go on their first date. Where would they go, and what would they do?
They would go do karaoke because it's awesome, and they'd probably both enjoy it. Then they'd go for a walk and get ice cream together, and watch the sunset.

10. 8 sings karaoke and dedicates a song to 7. What song would s/he dedicate and why?
I'd prefer this if it were the other way around. But still.. He'd probably pick a really insulting song, and subtly make fun of Vaughn. Or no, I know! The Joker by Steve Miller Band!

11. How would 8 court 6?
Ha, like Jeff ever would. I'd say Pierce would do all the courting. But if it really came down to Jeff, probably something that would make Pierce feel cool. Oh, I know! He'd invite him to a steak dinner!

12. Describe the relationship between 2 and 8 in the canon. Would you change it? Why?
Jeff hates Leonard. We don't know why, but it's hilarious. It's probably because Leonard's kind of an old jerk. And Leonard hates Jeff because he ate all the macaroni. I would never change their relationship. It's too funny watching Jeff get annoyed at Leonard.

13. In your list, who do you think is the perfect match for 3 and why?
I can never choose between Britta/abed and Britta/Troy. The two just work so well, and for different reasons. Abed because he would understand Britta when the rest of the group just brushed her off as being Britta. And Troy because he'd help her be more laid back, and more fun. I seriously cannot choose, though.

14. 2 has a dream where 10 tells him/her to save 1, who is facing certain doom. What would 2 do?
Well, for starters I don't think he'd ever listen to Shirley, but if it came down to it, he'd...actually no, he wouldn't save Troy. He'd probably help fast forward Troy's doom. He's just like that.

15. 9 and 6 are about to get married, until 3 crashes their wedding and abducts 9 against his/her will. 6 follows them, but must forge an alliance with 1. They must then hijack some form of transportation from 8 in order to get to 3’s lair, where they must fight against 3’s zombie minions. What will happen next?
Let me just write this out. Dean Pelton and Pierce are about to get married, until Britta crashes their wedding and abducts the dean against his will. Pierce follows them, but must forge an alliance with Troy. They must hijack some form of transportaition from Jeff in order to get to Britta's lair, where they must fight against Britta's zombie minions. (Awesome).
Well...Troy obviously kicks some zombie butt while Pierce tries to find the dean in Britta's lair. Britta tries to attack Pierce, but he defeats her by saying something rude and distracting her by making her rant self-righteously. While she's distracted he rescues the dean. Meanwhile, while Troy kicks zombie butt, Jeff shows up mad that Pierce and Troy hijacked his Lexus, but he gets bitten by a zombie, and so Troy has to fight him too. When Pierce and the dean show up they help Troy fight the zombies, and decide not to kill Jeff and take him as their zombie pet instead, because the dean wouldn't want to kill a fellow human being. Instead, zombie!Jeff becomes the new Greendale mascot. The end.

16. 8 receives a gift from 9. Does s/he open it or not? If so, what is inside?
He would open it warily, because he would be afraid of what was in there. And inside would be a dalmation costume and a note with a time and a place. Whether he goes or not is up to you guys, teehee.

17. 4 is walking home when s/he sees a cute fluffy creature, which promptly begins rubbing itself against his/her legs. Will s/he kick it away, or take it home?
Take it home and make it his sidekick.

18. 8 is dared by 4 to strip while pole-dancing in front of 7. Write a short dialogue about this.
"No, Abed. This is too creepy."
"But it would make a great scene."
"I am not stripping for Vaughn."
"What about the pole-dancing. Will you at least do that?"
"You're right. Never mind. He probably wouldn't like you anyway."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well, I would expect him to throw a few dollars if he likes what he sees, but you probably don't have it in you."
"Are you saying I wouldn't be good?"
"I'm saying if you don't want to be doing it, it won't satisfy anyone."
"Screw you, Abed. I'm pole-dancing for Vaughn!"
"And stripping?"
"Hell yes, and stripping!

19. What smiley/emoticon would best describe 5?
8D The 8 is meant to be her huge Disney eyes.

20. If you had the chance to rewrite 1’s life, how would you change it?
Would his life really need a rewrite though? He's kind of the greatest person ever the way he is.

jeff winger, britta perry, shirley bennet, abed nadir, vaughn, pierce hawthorne, troy barnes, leonard, community, annie edison, dean pelton, meme

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