30 days of TV - Day 19

Dec 17, 2010 21:05

Day 19 - Best t.v show cast Skins generation 2 cast.

I have three favourites, and if you ask me to choose between them I will strongly refuse because it's impossible.
So in no particular order because I love them all equally:

The Skins Gen2 cast.
These kids were so awesome. They were all so charming and funny and adorable together. And they all had great chemistry with each other. and in every BTS video you could just see them having such fun times. Every time I saw pictures of them together I always thought 'I wish I was their friend' because they're all so damn precious.

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Look how cute!

The Glee Cast.
This cast is made of only good things. Raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens, sugar and spice and everything nice. They're possibly the cutest people on the planet. They're all so adorably close, and quirky, and funny. And they're all so in love with each other. Even if this show disappoints me, the cast will still be extremely adorable. They're so adorable that you sort of can't help shipping them in real life. They're just adorable talented people who are always hanging out and it's awesome!

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The Community Cast.
Have you seen these people when they're together? It's like magic. No matter what they're doing it makes me smile just to watch them. They're another cast that makes me dream of being their friend. They're all so funny, and cute. And they get up to weird stuff like freestyling about molesters and doing several different high fives and trading Twitters for an hour. (BTW, everyone should follow the entire Community cast and writers on Twitter!) They're just some of the awesomest people ever.

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That is all.

community cast, glee, skins, 30 days of tv, community, glee cast, meme

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