Does anybody watch Weeds?

Oct 04, 2010 19:25

Okay, so I do Art in school. Not because I'm good at it or because I want a career in art, because neither of those are true. I'm not gonna lie, I took it because it's easy, and the teacher lets us do whatever we want. Immature, I know, but I'm 15. Let me have this.
Anyway, I have to do an art project this year, and the art project is based around one of the chosen themes sent in by the examinations commission. The problem is that all the themes suck! They're all so...awkward, art-wise.
The themes are Along the Riverbank, My Own Comfort Zone, Getting Started, Meeting Friends and a poem called the Garden Song. They are awful themes! How am I supposed to do a poster, and a piece of 3D work for any of those? It's literally impossible. Like, what would you draw for that? The only one I can think of is the garden song, but I hate it. It's really lame!
Ugh, this just really bugs me!
Oh and if any of you have any ideas for what you could do with those themes, please, do share.

Okay, personal life rant over, now for the important stuff. Does anybody watch Weeds? I've just started watching and I've literally done nothing all weekend except for sit in my room watching season 1-3 of Weeds. And I'm nearly on season 4. I love it, it's so funny! And the story lines are awesome. Nancy's just so in over her head, and she's always screwing everything up for herself, and it just makes you want to facepalm at how much of an idiot she's being, but you can;t help but root for her.
And Andy and Doug are my favourites. They're both so immature it's hilarious. Doug's always just asking for a punch in the face and Andy just gets himself into the most ridiculous situations. It's brilliant.

Anyway, that's all for now. I'm sure as the school year goes on, I'll be complaining more and more. I have a stupid exam called the Junior Cert and it's supposedly really important, and I have to study all the time, even though I get on just fine cramming the night before. Can't you tell that I'm just the most dedicated student ever?

weeds, school, art project

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