Fic: Everything You Do is Super Duper Cute And I Can't Stand It (18/25)

Jun 27, 2010 16:10

Fandom: Community
Title: Everything You Do is Super Duper Cute And I Can't Stand It.
Character/Pairing(s): Jeff, Annie, Jeff/Annie, mentions of Annie/Vaughn.
Rating: PG
Summary: Stolen moments from every episode between Jeff and Annie.
Disclaimer: Dan Harmon owns.
A/N - Ugh, I hate this chapter! I've rewritten it like three times and I'm still unhappy ( Read more... )

jeff winger, annie edison, community, jeff/annie, fanfic

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Comments 10

aint2proud2beg June 27 2010, 18:13:32 UTC
This chapter is fine! Don't worry about it being OOC, I didn't think it was. I really enjoyed your description of Jeff's inner dialogue, it wasn't out of character at all. It was hilarious! Great job. :)


moeexyz June 27 2010, 18:18:44 UTC
I still don't like it but thanks anyway, it makes me feel much better about it now.


crazyqa215 June 27 2010, 20:26:35 UTC
I really liked this chapter. I could totally see this happening!


moeexyz June 27 2010, 21:04:55 UTC
Thank you. :)


lapacifidora June 27 2010, 20:27:37 UTC
I agree.I don't think this chapter is as out of character as you think. It's maybe not what any of us would've have thought happened, but it was a great idea and exactly the sort of thing Annie would've offered to do.

(And again, I love how you show Annie clearly has stronger feelings for Jeff than for Vaughn: She offers to kiss Jeff, presumably on the mouth, but she greets Vaughn with a kiss on the cheek.)


moeexyz June 27 2010, 21:05:43 UTC
Thank you! You've no idea how happy this makes me.


lapacifidora June 27 2010, 22:41:01 UTC
Well, remember that unlike traditional fic-heavy fandoms, this is a half-hour comedy (not a 60-minute [melo]drama). As the audience, we get to assume a lot of backstory and inner monologing because - unless Abed is doing a VO - we aren't shown/told what the characters are thinking.

The only way it could be really OOC was if someone turned them into some pathetic caricature of "true love." :::points at the Twihards and covers her eyes:::


moeexyz June 28 2010, 00:07:44 UTC
I suppose so. And you're right, it does make writing for them a lot easier sometimes.

Ugh, Twihards irk me. But if Jeff was a vampire and Annie was a teenage girl in love with him, they could totally pull it off. And their age difference isn't half as bad as Edward and Bella's lol


mrssnape13 June 28 2010, 01:46:24 UTC
I didn't think this was OOC at all! I liked Jeff's thoughts throughout, but his thoughts at the end in particular. I feel like they're definitely in keeping with the more serious attitude he had in the episode after that girl thought he was a professor and he realized he needs a little more than a pretty face. :)


moeexyz June 28 2010, 11:49:40 UTC
Thank you! This helps :)


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