Fic: Everything You Do is Super Duper Cute And I Can't Stand It (15/25)

Jun 26, 2010 18:14

Fandom: Community
Title: Everything You Do is Super Duper Cute And I Can't Stand It.
Character/Pairing(s): Jeff, Annie, Jeff/Annie, mentions of Annie/Vaughn
Rating: PG
Summary: Stolen moments from every episode between Jeff and Annie.
Disclaimer: Dan Harmon owns.
A/N - Romantic Expressionism.

Pretend. )

jeff winger, annie edison, community, shipper!abed, jeff/annie

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Comments 6

n_e_star June 26 2010, 19:45:47 UTC
Most of all she pretended Abed was watching the movie rather than watching them with an all-knowing, raised eyebrow.

I love the thought of Abed shipping Annie/Jeff.


moeexyz June 26 2010, 20:24:10 UTC
Me too. I always wanted to hear Abed's opinion on it since we've heard his opinion on Jeff/Britta.
I secretly want him to be their biggest shipper, like Shirley is to Jeff/Britta, but more sneaky.


mrssnape13 June 27 2010, 00:57:02 UTC
I can see Abed watching them like that. I like the idea of him knowing about them and shipping them too. :)

Jeff attacking the popcorn reminds me of him yelling "Because I don't look cool in shorts!" and kicking things, so I thought that was a nice touch that was very in character.


moeexyz June 27 2010, 01:04:50 UTC
If Abed can tell the future, there's no reason why he would have missed Jeff and Annie. He knew before they knew lol

I have to admit, I love angry Jeff. I think he's adorable, like a little spoilt child.


lapacifidora June 27 2010, 01:56:10 UTC
Why is that some couples you want them to just do it and get on with the stories and others you just want them to keep putting off because the UST is so fantastic?

I agree with the other comments, but I loved Annie at the very end, trying to ignore Jeff.


moeexyz June 27 2010, 02:17:01 UTC
Thank you. :)


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