So...Grey's Anatomy. Holy fucking Crap! That show is the king of finales. Like wow. I'm exhausted just from watching it. The emotional roller-coaster I've been on in the last 2 hours is There's no other word for it. I mean seriously. Holy. Fucking. Crap. What a show.
I absolutely adore Grey's no matter how screwed up some of the stories are or how random the couples start getting. This show is just the definition of epic. Like wow!
I cried so many times during this episode. I was balling my eyes out when Mr Clarke was pointing the gun at Bailey. Or when he had just shot Derek and was about to shoot him again I was screaming at him to just go die. The worst part was in the OR when he was pointing it at Cristina and then Meredith came in and was all like "shoot me" I was literally having a panic attack.
Like seriously. I looked at myself in the mirror afterwards and I was all red-faced and puffy eyes was yucky.
Just...Jesus fucking Christ! I can't even think of words for it. It was just too amazing. All I can do is babble on about how mind-blowing of an episode it was.
I felt like I was there with them, locked in this hospital while a grieving man went around to shoot everyone. It was just so terribly sad.
And Dr Percy. Oh god. I was balling my eyes out when he died. I was weaping like he was part of my family or something. And then he started talking about Reed and telling Bailey to tell her he loved her, and of course I started crying even harder because Reed was the first to die. Just...Oh my God!
And Mer. At the start she was all happy and babies and now. Oh God. I was weirdly happy about MerDer having a baby. I wanted them to have this kid. And I wanted Cristina to be godmother. And I wanted them to be one big happy family but then. Oh God.
And Alex. Alex getting shot was the first of the many times I started crying in this episode. I freaking love that man. And after everything he's been through this last year. The poor guy. I hope next season they ditch the stupid Mark/Lexie (which I never really liked anyway) and just let Alex be happy for once. Especially after all that Izzie crap. Just let Lexie stay in love with him and let them be happy. He deserves it. Not that I want Mark to be sad. I fucking love that man too. But Mark will have his lovely lesbians to get him through it. And I don't know, maybe it's my undying love for Mark/Addison or maybe it's the whole creepy age gap, but I really don't want Mark with Lexie. I love Lexie and I love Mark, just not together.
And thank Holy God that Owen finally made his choice. I'm so sick of his stupid love triangle. I seriously don't like Owen, he'd too indecisive. And whiny. And angsty. To be honest I'd rather have neither Teddy nor Cristina with him because they're both badass and could do so much better. That's why I'm on board with the Mark/Teddy. They'd be badass. And Cristina/Avery. They'd be very badass. Not to mention both couples would be hawt!
Lastly, I'm so happy Calzona are back together. They're my favourite couple since they ruined Alex and Izzie. They just seem like the only couple you could really root for. I just have a good feeling that Shonda Rhimes won't ruin them like she did all other couples because these two are just the best. Callie's awesome, Arizona's awesome. Together they're awesome squared. It's just simple math. And baby Calzone would be awesome too. That would be like a cubed of awesome lol.
Anyway, I cannot wait for next season. I hope it starts off a little more happy because right now I'm exhausted from all the crying and the barf of emotions I'm having.
My hopes for season 7 are:
-Alex has happy storylines and gets the love he deserves.
-Calzona never ever ever ever break up again no matter what.
-MerDer get another shot at MerDer baby.
-Owen stops being angsty.
-Mark/Teddy+Cristina/Avery=Awesome badassness+happy Marina
-No more lame-ass Sloan baby crap.
-Bailey. Nuff said.
-Oh and Webber. I forgot about him. He's so fucking awesome. He is and forever will be the chief. He's like God. He just needs to come back and continue to be amazing.
So yeah. Didn't think they could top last years season finale because, holy crap, that was a good one. But they did it. They're awesome. They rock my socks of. Literally.
Oh Grey's Anatomy. The things you do to me.
And here's an obligatory happy gif because I'm so pooped from emotions. Sit back, relax enjoy Joel McHotypants being adorable.