Jan 09, 2010 15:12

Finally! Since the end of November all I've done is moaned and complained about snow. I live in Ireland where it's always freezing cold and extremely wet and I just never thought it was fair that we had to suffer through so much cold and not even get a centimeter of snow. So I begged and begged God to let it snow for weeks and week and then when I went away to hot and sunny Madeira for the New Years I found out it snowed and of course I missed it. So I got home extremely pissed to a country that was still freezing but still had no snow and then the miracle happened.
On my second day back, it snowed. It was so wonderful! It wasn't even good snow, definitely not enough to have a snowball fight or anything but it had snowed and that's what mattered. Of course after that things only got better!
I was supposed to go back to school on Thursday but school got canceled that day because of the weather so then I went to my friend Vicky's house for the day and we just went out and about, then I found out school got canceled on Friday as well because of the weather so I slept over at her house. Then on Friday morning her mam woke us up and told us that school was canceled until next Thursday and it's supposed to snow heavily on Sunday night so of course I threw a party in my head.
Then I wke up this morning and we had 4cm of snow so I was cheering like crazy. So I went outside and got ambushed by snowballs from my father and then afterwards my parents went to throw the Christmas tree out and I made a snowman in the courtyard outside our house. So awesome!
So yeah, I don't think I could possibly have anymore love for snow then I do now. It's beautiful, it makes me happy, it cancels school and it gives me an excuse to stay at home watching TV and drinking hot choc, or go on the computer. Snow, is the greatest thing on the planet. I want to marry snow!
So thank you God or weatherman or just the Gulf Stream really, for letting me have this magical experience with snow.


school, snow

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