Fic - Fitting In Chapters 1 - 3

Oct 09, 2016 15:33

Title: Fitting In
Chapters: 1 - 3
Warnings/Content: gen, implied stalking, implied accidental mutilation
Continuity: G1, IDW Combaticon AU, pre-war
Characters: Blast Off, Vortex, Shockwave (pre-Empurata)
Rating: PG (eventually R)
Disclaimer: Sadly, nothing is mine.
Summary: Blast Off is new at Jhiaxian Academy of Advanced Technology and it’s not easy for him to fit in. Thankfully there seems to be someone who wants to help.
Beta: ultharkitty

Note: This is set in the same AU/Universe as Combaticons On The Lost Light. It’s set pre-war, and mentions some things that are spoilers for Combaticons On The Lost Light. :p

It also ignore canon from MTMTE season 2 onwards and any Combaticon canon from the upcoming Till All Are One.
I hope you’ll still enjoy my AU.

autobot: skids, +fic: fitting in, rating: r, -gen, decepticon: shockwave, .transformers (g1/idw), !fanfiction, -slash, decepticon: blast off, autobot: trailbreaker/trailcutter, decepticon: brawl, decepticon: vortex

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