Title: Fitting In
1 - 3Warnings/Content: gen, implied stalking, implied accidental mutilation
Continuity: G1, IDW Combaticon AU, pre-war
Characters: Blast Off, Vortex, Shockwave (pre-Empurata)
Rating: PG (eventually R)
Disclaimer: Sadly, nothing is mine.
Summary: Blast Off is new at Jhiaxian Academy of Advanced Technology and it’s not easy for him to fit in. Thankfully there seems to be someone who wants to help.
ultharkitty Note: This is set in the same AU/Universe as Combaticons On The Lost Light. It’s set pre-war, and mentions some things that are spoilers for Combaticons On The Lost Light. :p
It also ignore canon from MTMTE season 2 onwards and any Combaticon canon from the upcoming Till All Are One.
I hope you’ll still enjoy my AU.