Oct 30, 2009 17:51

POSTED IT. Everyone go and look ~

This is Halloween ~ Halloween ~ Halloween ~ Ergh, trying to find stuff to make Lenalee costume with.  If not I have a Plan B and a Plan C.  Plan B is Miranda (I found suitable dress) or Uboa (look at me I'm a bed sheet).   AND AND AND if I can find some stuff Kei is also an option ~ Good for me that I don't pick series with outrageous outfits (DEAR GOD PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS I HAVE NEVER DONE STUFF LIKE THIS).

I have to work on my History project, read History Chapter 6, do a poster for soldier recruits for either Loyalists or Patriots, have to write an essay for eligibility to win a $2,500 scholarship, do Math worksheets, do visual for book report, finish book log for "Nothing But the Truth," work on Yume Nikki songs, work on Rust Blaster script, finish costume(s), and probably lots of other stuff that I need to work on.  Oh!  Work on fragile girl voice for a little skit we're doing in Drama on Monday.  I play Laura from The Glass Menagerie.  And I need to work on enunciating by practicing saying "Hello, Mr. Exit Light" (also for Drama).  Remind me to not procrastinate on costume-making and homework ~

d.gray-man, cosplay, yume nikki, school, drama, rust blaster

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