Nov 06, 2005 14:56
Well well well... I went to work Friday and the director of HR calls me and asks me to come to her office. So I go up there and there's like 3 other people in there. THEY FIRED ME! What the hell is that??? They said some bullshit about some patient information being released to a family member without the patients consent and they said I did it. Right cuz i'm a fucking moron. I know not to do that shit. So only thing I can figure is that I left my username logged on to the computer and someone else got on there and printed off that stuff. But I was beyond pissed off. So they told me not to talk about it to anyone because it was patient related and that violates the whole HIPPA thing so I was like aiight I can handle that. Well I told my mom I was terminated and of course she wants to know why, so she goes barging into the CEO's office and is like What the hell you better explain this to me now. And he told her everything about it, without my consent of course. So I marched my happy little ass back up to HR and told the director that he had been talking about it to other people. I said if I wasn't allowed to discuss it and I was involved then there is no way in hell that he is allowed to discuss it, thats a privacy violation. I said I want his fucking job. She was like ok I'll have to check that out. I was like I know you wont do a damn thing about it because he's the fucking CEO but I promise you my lawyer will do something about it. And I walked out. So mom and I have to go tomorrow to the unemployment office and see about getting that until I can find another job and we have to go to the lawyer's office of course. And we also have to go to GRMC ( the other hospital here) to put in applications, because mom says there is no way in hell she is working there after what happened.
But I guess the good news is that Dr. Jaiswal ( he loves me) called me this morning at home and was like Laura, I have an offer for you. I have been looking for someone to do my billing for me. It will take 2 days of training with my wife to learn the program and thats it. He said I can work as much or as little I want and he is offering me same pay that I was getting at the hospital. No holidays, no weekends, pick my own hours. He also said that he would talk to the directors and administrators at GRMC and put in a good word for me. And he said if I dont want to work there that anywhere I apply I can use him as a business reference. So that rocks. I hope I can find something quick...
Well I was feeling a little down friday night so I went to my lil sis's house and we got drunk with her husband and one of there friends. And it was way great. So many stories from that night.
Then last night I went to a party that a security friend of mine was having. It was like me and brooklyn and her cuz jacob, sunshine (aaron), Oran, Bryce, Ryan, and 2 chicks I didnt know, but we got plastered again. I drank a 6 pack of Smirnoff triple black, 2 big cups of bullfrog, and a couple of beers. And I was shit faced. I was makin out with Ryan and Oran... and Jacob too I think. I woke up this morning with a big ass hickey on my neck and about 6 or 7 bruises. I got one on my hip one on my thigh 2 on my arm one on my ankle and one on my stomach. We were stumbling into shit. One time me and Jacob and Oran were huddled up together by the car and we all went tumbling down .. me on bottom of course. Then Jacob just fuckin walked off the side of the porch and today we think he has a broken ankle. Its about twice the normal size and its all bruised. He can't stand , walk, turn it. Nothing but the dumbass wont go to the doctor. It's craziness. But needless to say, I feel like complete ass today. I haven't had a hangover in so long, but this one sucks majorly.
Anyways... I think thats about all for now. I will prolly update again soon though , so bye for now I guess.