my little star

Jan 03, 2015 00:26

So ive managed to be a mommy for 5 solid weeks and everyone is still sane AND alive! go me! im having some issues here and there but only typical new mom/newborn general ones. One im battling is that Ivy will sleep anywhere, anytime until its time to go in her cradle then shes fullblown protesting! my mom suggested that the cradles too big and empty so try a bassinet. Which, i didnt bother getting one kuz i wanted so much to use the cradle that i used when i was a baby, that my grandpa built. Again, new mom, didnt know shed want a more confined space, being cramped inside of me so long, derp! so my mother inlaw had a bassinet we are borrowing. It helped a bit, the first night went pretty well. Still had some protest but not as kuch. Then i realized maybe swaddling would help, at suggedtion by one of the kazillion articles and message boards ive been obsessively reading since the day we came home. It helped too, tho at this point its almost as bad as putting her in the cradle, as in how easily she wakes after putting her in it. Tonite shes swaddled. I put down an extra blanket layer under her for coziness but not enuf to be unsafe! then i tucked s small blankey between her feet/the end if the bassinet for more coziness. Then i got my lullaby playlist cued up on spotify and let er rip for awhile, im loving Jewels lullaby album! so now darling babys asleep. Though daddy sleeps in her room on nights he has to work the next day so he gets sleep but when ges in our room with us he has the tv on normal volume and talks to her all happy and energetic. He doesnt quite grasp that im trying to get a calm cozy atmosphere in here. Duh. its like tomorrow When he sleeps in here ill hafta hold his face to lookit my face to hear my words. I am tempted to write out baby bedtime specifics in colorful colors and stick em to the tv ;)

anyway besides setbacks that come with new mommy territory, i am head-over-heels crazy about this little girl. She has me AND ger daddy smitten. I am laying here hearing her little sighs and sleeping sounds and it gives me the warm fuzzies! i had no idea how crazy i was gona be about my little Ivy. No clue i could love someone this much. Its a super awesome feeling!

Though with these super feelings come the fact that i am so sad and feel terible anytime she cries. I know thats how babies communicate. But. The idea of crying, even the word "cry" just breaks my heart. Its kinda funny how sensitive i am to it, tho i do remember when i was still prego thinking, "i dont even want to think about the fact that she'll ever cry. I dont want anything to ever happen that would make her cry!" Of course the first few times she reeeally cried, i cried along with her. I cry all the, not in a depressed way! i cry so easily because it makes me sad that anything would make her the least bit unhappy. Yesterday i was online reading up on how to prepare us to start daycare. I cried while reading about it. I did. Im psycho. i hope she takes it better than i do! i plan on trying to take her for a day before i go back to work but its still gona be terrible when i do. Of course i told nate that i was thinking of working just a half day the first day or two that im back, thats when he suggested the doing the day before i go back so it didnt affect my paycheck. Doesnt he realize it will help me to do it? its all about the fucking paycheck with him. it makes me fricking crazy. He needs to let me do what i plan to do and STFU. Hes so like his mother. How i duno but i just feel better to say that .

This has been long. Im going to sleep.

Dont think negatively of nate, though. He really is doing a good job of being daddy, he just needs to get the priorities tge whole way in order. Hes allllmost there.

Heres my Ivy kuz as we know from facebook, i like to show her off! (if it uploads, im on my phone and just duno!)
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