
Feb 08, 2006 07:31

i like firefox. i just installed it on the knoppinstein. and...
since it's got a fresh new browser i decided i'd make my first
post from the knoppinstein, too. been busy moving into the new
house and working and keeping up with school and trying to spend
some time with family. it's a rough schedule. but it's worth it.

pops helped me a whole lot yesterday, moving in the rain. i took
off work since i had a couple days off from school. arbitrarily
i decided last week that monday i would move. of course, it rained
all day. that's okay because we still got a good bit of stuff moved,
and angela, reuben, and i all spent the night for the first time
in our new house last night. we bought reuben his own wiggles toddler
bed, but he slept with us because there was no way he was gonna
stay in bed by himself. he was so excited. running around just
exploring all the new stuff. well, i should go work some more now.

chuck, i'm not ignoring you. my phone no. is 366-0580 if you
wanna holla anytime. i go to sleep pretty early most of the time.

101 -c.
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