The higher the monkey climbs is the more he expose

Feb 20, 2007 22:18

Just for once! How about a taste of your own medicine?


...appeared two guys who posses the knowledge over everything in this entire universe! smashing right? it sure is!

two guys who are queer enough to backbite and create dellusional thoughts over their oh-so-cool-friendster profiles, it made us pee a bit. congratulations for the awesome job! "mr.'s intellectual"!

awww these guys are so funny, they don't even try.

too funny even! we don't want to elaborate more. hehe.

now who's wid them?
we know we are...


by the way! nice comments on youtube! hurrah! for the cuteness of down syndrome! you guys are so adorable you don't even know it. cheers to you schmucks!

PS: Please continue rocking more backyards! it's sheer fun.
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