though a certain someone ruined my giddy-up-started holiday, i can't deny that i'm contented and happy these passed days because:
.miss germany seems to be enjoying herself in her motherland, well half of it. :]
.i discovered a paradise for vinyl collectors like me.
.i got to know very nice people. mods, vinyl suppliers and collectors alike, vespa/lambretta-philes, soulboys and girls.
.recovered an old toshiba phonograph/turnrable.
.a second pet tortoise(the first one was an indian star toroise Geochelone elegans)
this time i'll be getting a cherry-head red-footed tortoise Geochelone carbonaria spp. (YIPEE!!!)
.vanilla ice cream.
.a tight band.
.an upcoming rocksteady trio.
.a very promising mod scene.
.a regular vinyl all-nighter
-now all i can only hope for is my very own scooter haha, but i need a stable job for that. that's yet another story. :X
oh wait!
.a portable 45 player would also be nice!
.and an iPod video just for kicks.
.maybe a new moto mobile?
.a trip to japan? this is getting too much aye? ok i'll stop.
enjoy your holidays everyone!