Some of the most brilliant stuff I've ever read in regards to LOST:
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Overall What is Happening
Apparently an H-bomb went off, but everyone survived INCLUDING the woman who detonated it from 1 foot away. There are ghosts. Some ghosts are good, some are bad. A guy named Jake leads a gang of protagonists. The protagonist gang prioritized saving a blonde woman over an Indian man (just sayin’) and both died. A guy named Richard leads a rival gang to the Jake Gang (it’s like Twilight! omgz!). Both those gangs pale in comparison to the pretentious Asian gang by the temple. There is a monster on the island (other than the pretentious asian. ZING!) that is really just the sad raincloud that follows you around on bad days. Apparently the sad raincloud hates it when you stand in a circle of black dust. What makes the pretentious Asian redeeming is that he tricks you into thinking he can save your half dead friend and then drowns him. I wish that was true, but the guy came to life so I guess he has some sort of secret hot tub that saves lives.
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