The Travails of a Creative Life

Oct 04, 2007 09:42

Now this blog is going to sound like complaining, but believe me, it's not. I'm overjoyed to be back in a groove where imaginative ideas come, to paraphrase Paul Klee, from the void like ripe, graphic fruits.

The downside to this is that it often consumes me. It's like having a full-time job on top of my regular full-time job. I get home and promptly sit at my desk (or in front of an easel) and go, go, go until midnight or so. Getting up in time to work out and leave for work is a task and a half. Even harder to do is actually getting started without jumping right back behind the desk, or easel.

Ultimately, I'm very happy about the resultant exhaustion. I have to be. If I don't remind myself that yes, I'm running on very little sleep because I'm doing what makes me happy, I tend to get very irritable and maudlin. This is especially aggravated by my not being able to spend every single waking moment drawing and/or painting. One of the drawbacks to being an artist, I suppose, is that I become resentful of anything that keeps me from making art and my personal life takes a nose-dive.

The only thing that's really bothering me here (and now I'm complaining) is the fact that coffee has been having an adverse affect on me of late. It no longer serves it's purpose as a "kick in the ass" to motivate me in the morning, instead it's been giving me intense anxiety attacks and bouts of extreme irritability. I'm going to have to cut back, which will mean a few days of terrible headaches.

Oh, coffee! Why hast thou forsaken me?

art, coffee!, emo drama

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