Jan 01, 2007 13:30
Things have been, as one might guess from my lack of entries, busy of late. Busy, but good. OJ was with me for most of last week, even coming to work with me for a few days. We had some great bonding experiences, and I am very proud of my daughter for being so patient, strong willed, and understanding of being inconvienced by dad's "boring" job. Still, there are plenty of incredible memories of the last week that will stay with myself, and hopefully, her for some time.
The holidays were full of friends, family, laughter, hectic excitement, love, and relaxation -- as they should be.
In particular, last night was riddled with portents, romance, odd situations, flirtations, strangers, friends, and amusing embarrasements.
This morning I awoke late with the knowledge that I haven't been balanced in the last couple of years. I have not been true to my naturally light-hearted and carefree self; so caught up have I been in correcting past mistakes and rebuilding a life that I want for both me and my family. And that is why my art has suffered -- creativity is not spawned from dutiful seriousness; creativity comes from childlike wonder. Whimsy has taken a back seat to seriousness. Something I aim to correct in the coming year. Don't call it a resolution. Call it a reestablishment.