Thanks to
girlafraid for the snappy icon ... ask her who she stole it from, before I stole it from her.
I loves me some
Placebo. My sister's coming up this Sunday. I need to squeeze some out toward finding things for her and her family to do while I'm at work. I also need to request at least a Friday off next week. Short staffed as we've been, I know that won't go over well. Ah well, I have responsibilities outside of work. "Get the interns to do it" is going to be my motto.
I'm damned hungry.
Got some crappy, crappy pictures back from our vacation. I'll try to scan dem and do a Flikr sideshow. Then ya'll can see just what a crap photographer I really am. Who took all the out-of-focus picts with the thumb covering half the shot? That would be me.
Oh! and I almost forgot! This week's status board: