Sep 12, 2006 13:58
Remember that you are ashes, and unto ashes you shall return.
- Book of Ashes, Grammata Cinera
"What are you looking at?"
Modren raised his hand to shield his eyes from the sun and took a deep breath.
"The sky is wrong, Kallistra. You can smell it in the air."
She turned her face to his; he could feel her auburn hair teasing his skin. "It's snow, Modren. It does, on occasion, snow in the mountains. You do know this, yes?" She ran her fingers through his hair, he smiled a quiet smile, and then took her hand.
"Kali, how long have you known?"
Kallistra threw her hair back in an unbridled laugh, the kind she would make on special occasions.. before taking life and before making love.
"Two days. There's something stirring in the north, along the river Tyrith and west of Karand city. It is of no consequence to us." She cupped his face and kissed his ear, softly whispering "..we're a world away."
"What do you think will happen?"
She pouted defeated, leaned back on her two hands, and let out a thunderous sigh. "You ruin everything you know that? Maybe the world will end. Maybe Dakaan, The Black Hunter, Tyrant of Seven Heads will rise out of his ocean prison and devour us all. Or maybe.." She made him look at her. "..Maybe this is all some bad dream and some monks in the monastery below us started the cooking fires."
He stood up, and kissed her hand; pale white and thin, yet stronger than any man's.
"It's raining ashes, Kali." He was halfway down the mountain.
"Dammit, Modren. You ruin everything."