Jan 19, 2005 12:41
A few days ago they put me in a room with new people and I just figured out who the guy seated next to me sounds like...Keanu Reeves. If he ever says, "duuude" or "radical" or "awesome", I am surely going to spew coffee all over myself.
On my bus home some nights, there exists a Bizzaro Troy. (For those of you not in the know, Bizarro is a wacked-out version of Superman in an alternative universe.) Bizarro Troy has the same speech patterns and inflections as Normal Troy only LOUDER and NON-STOP and his discussion topics are THE MERITS OF DEBARGE (the band) and THE TRIALS OF SHOPPING FOR BACKPACKS. He even looks a bit like Troy...that is, if Troy shaved off all his hair, grew a mustache the size of a croissant, and wore army green and hot pink.