Nov 15, 2008 17:55


Do you want an article in the paper? Something that might directly/indirectly refer to your character or something involving them, or even something completely random that doesn't have to do with anyone in particular? Then here is where you comment!

Understand that we might not have everything if we feel like there's been too much already, but if its a good idea, we'll consider it!

This isn't just for violent acts, either. If your character did something silly that the newspaper would have caught, is famous, or even if you want to put in an article that has nothing to do with a SH character at all but you think is worth printing, we love to have things like that as well!

Submission form is below.


Does your character have a burning question they need advice on? Perhaps a situation with a potential significant other, difficulty with a potion, or some troubling family matter? Then you can leave it to Mary Magic!

Mary Magic is an advice columnist for the Daily Prophet, and she's here to take your questions, no matter how big or insignificant! Trained in giving expert suggestions, she will put things into perspective for you!

Comment below if your character wants the worst advice possible a wise word (and product placement) from the weekly Mary Magic advice column in the Daily Prophet! You can submit as many letters as you want, at any time! It's sure to be entertaining for all.

Comments are screened.

Your lj and email and/or messenger: [This is so we can contact you if we need extra details. Let us know which is best to reach you on.]
Characters involved: [Does it involve anyone from SH? If so, who? If not, put N/A]
What is the story?: [Put as much detail as you want. The less you put in, the more we are going to ask about later.]
Why is this Daily Prophet worthy?: [Small town news mostly isn't so why should this be printed?]

Article: [This is optional if you are lazy don't want to write it, but highly appreciated. If submitted, it may be edited somewhat before we post it.]
. . NAME: [Will be completely anonymous unless the player wants us to put who it is in the ooc notes]
ANON?: [Put yes if you don't mind the muns knowing that your character wrote it, no if you'd prefer it being not known]
LETTER: [You can write your character's letter in here! Try not to make it too long or too short, 4-7 sentences is a good amount.]

daily prophet

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